First of all, it has been 12 days since we've blogged. That makes me mad.
Then, my favorite couch was taken away. Remember my 30 year old, cushions blown, hand me down sofa in the Mancave I loved? How it supported my tush so perfectly?
Well, it got replaced with these!
Then, last weekend, I was abandoned for 3 days while my beans went to a wedding. True, I had my grandbeans coming by to spoil me but it wasn't the same.
Then mommy was "busy" all week taking care of the house guests! That is what those new sofas were for. The three sticky little people that were coming to stay! AND their parents came and they all brought.....
this thing! This thing that got belly rubs from MY daddy and mommy and attention from MY blurpy boy. This kitty eating furball was in MY house and took over MY Mancave.
As you can see I did NOT like having it in the house AT ALL. I hid under the coffee table and Bendrix & I grooooooooooowled and hissed at it.
I wasn't scared, I faced it like a true Mancat. When I wasn't under the coffee table that is.
a blury picture of my scary scary Halloween hissing pose cause mommy was racing to get between me and the woofie when she snapped it
The only redeeming thing is that the sticky little people like cats, especially one of them and I got lots of extra pets and scritches.
Hendrix's mommy here: River the woofie is the sweetest thing, not a kitty eater. He barely acknowledged that Hendrix was around. And before anyone thinks we just left Hendrix to fend for himself, we had plenty of places for him to get away from it all where the kids and woofie could not follow. He chose to stay in the middle of it. We didn't want to lock him in his "safe room" all weekend because A. that isn't fair and B. it was in the upper 90's all weekend and muggy and that room gets hot hot hot. He wouldn't be comfy. BUT he could get there thru this kid proof & woofie proof gate
Or be in the dining room on his favorite chair which he easily accesses thru this gate.