My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is: Emperor Jimi Hendrix the Omnipresent of Withering Glance Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title |
This is the purfect name for when I want more stinky goodness, or when the flashy box comes out to much, or when my crunchies need fluffing, or when mommy wakes me up to early, or when I've gotten my nails trimmed, or my ears cleaned.....well you get the picture. It is the purfect aristo-CAT-ic name for me!
Of course I would never look at my Sugar Pie Brandi like this. She is to sweet and purty....
PS Mine mommy had to have two "ulcerations" in her nose cauterized. That means they burned them shut. Shudder. She has an infection that has already swollen one side of her sinuses shut and the other is inflammed. It isn't anything she did or the doctor did, it is just the way her body is handling things. She has 2 weeks on 2 new medications and if things aren't better, they may haf to do the surgery again. Please cross paws and fingers that doesn't haf to happen. It was just awful!
She didn't want to say anything because she thinks people are sick of hearing about how bad she feels, but wanted everyone to know that is why she hasn't been helping me visit much. We're trying to get to everyone at least once a week, but she is so tired when she gets home from work (she finally had to go back) that she mostly just sleeps....
That is such a great name and a perfect photo to go along with it! So cool. :)
Youse is bery hansum. We is sorry you has FIV. But yur beans is takin gud care of u. Maw sez u ken live a long time wif FIV. Dat is gud dat youse is being spoilt now and is indoor only. We is indoor only but we need a bigger howse!!!
Forty Paws
o, Mr. Hendrix, i finks that be a furry handsome pose... Brandi jus mite likes it... furry 'bad boy'.
Mr. Hendrix, great withering glance you gave!
That is some formidible look you have Mr Hendrix! Meow!
Mr. Hendrix ... Meow! You are just too sexy for words. You've managed to get my winter fur in a twist!
PeeSsss: I hope your mommie's nose feels better.
We are so sorry your Momma is sick. We are sending mountains of purrs to her.
*Love that title of yours!
I am crossing my paws right now that your mommy won't have to get that cauterization thing done again - it sounds awful though I'm not quite sure what it means!
thanks for stopping by hendrix! i'm glad your mommy rescued you...and that you have a good place to live. treats and cozy places to sleep are the BEST.
you asked how tiny i am: i look like a young teenager cat, and i only weigh 5 pounds (sometimes a little less; i have kidney problems).
one day mama will find the camera and the cord and get some pictures of me out there. i'm looking forward to it, but i fear that i'm not too photogenic.
Should I be worrying about DaisyMae??
You are the sweetest bravest reporter cat, and I love all the pictures of you.
Mr Hendrix,
We will be thinking of your mummy. News around the blogosphere is that lots of people aren't feeling too well and colds and flus and infections seem to be lingering for longer than usual.
We is glad u linkee to owr blog. We linkee to yurs too.
We hope yer mum's nose gets better. Owr mum sez it makes yoo feel yukky all ofurr when yoo got a sore nose an can't breeve propply. We like the pichur of yoo wiv DAT LOOK
That name is purrfect fur you. Delivering a withering glance is an art form we felines haf purrfected.
My woman got sinus infections until she started gettin her flu shot efurry year. Hers were nefur serious, but she sympathizes. Once she thot the boy had broken one of her teefs, an it was sinus infection starting rite above the toof he bonked.
Yu got to sell yur look on the internet- it's priceless! I hope yur Mommy feels better soon- best to hur!
That's the coolest title and it goes very well with that picture! We sure do hope your mom gets all better. That must be horrible for her.
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