I gots tagged! I gots tagged! I've never been tagged before buts my friends Mu Shue & Yao-lin tagged me cause he wants to know more about me!
A) Four places I have lived:
1.Outside, Cincinnati, OH
2.Inside, Cincinnati, OH
3.In the couch, Cincinnati, OH
4.On a bed, Cincinnati, OH
B) Four things I love to watch:
1. fev-vers!
2. big fat squirrels
3. Daddy playin' playstation
4. Little House on the Prarie (the theme song soothes me...Mommy leaves the TV on the family channel when they go to work and Little House is on during the day so it signals nap time to me)
C) Four places I have been outside my home:
1.Before my rescue I roamed all over and it was scary
2.Now I only go out to go to the VET, scary too
D) Four websites I visit daily:
1.Sugar Pie Brandi
2.Mu Shue
3.Cat Blogosphere
4.Arty Catsy
E) Four of my favorite foods:
1.Prescription Hill WD stinky goodness, chicken flavor
2.Prescription Hill ID crunchies!
3.Prescription Hill ZD crunchies (mixed with ID)!
4.mmmm Laxitone, I know, but it is really good
F) Four places I would rather be right now:
1.In bed with mommy and daddy
2.Laying in a sunbeam in an open window (stoopid winter)
3.Laying on the couch with mommy
4.On my Purdue blankie anywhere
G) Four toys I have owned and played with:
1. Blue fuzzy ball with fev-vers on a stick!
2. Catnip mat (scratchy and fun!)
3. Da Bird! boingy! boingy!
4. Shoestring. OK that one didn't start out as mine, but some cat spit and teeth marks later, and it soon was!
H) Four nicknames my staff have tried to assign me:
1. Mr. Kitty McPhearson Squishy Face Head (the most embarrassing ever)
2. Widdle Puddin Head (sigh, I'm a Big Man Cat mom)
3. "what are you doing now!"
4. Mommy's "sweet little boy" (I kinda like that one as it usually comes with chin scritches)
I) Regarding Catnip:
1. Love it
2. It's nice
3. Could take it or leave it
4. Don't like it or can't have it
Answer: 1 I adore the nip, I need it, I can't live without it....I mean, um, it's cool, ya' know.
J) Regarding Cat Grass:
1. Love it
2. It's nice
3. Could take it or leave it
4. Don't like it or can't have it
Answer: 2 I'ts nice. I like chewing it when it is there and when mommy kills it and throws it away, I look for it.
K) First four things I'd buy after winning the lottery:
1. A nice house for Brandi and her mom and Oreo and his mom (and money for their medical bills and stuff
2. Build a shelter like "Best Friends" in Ohio to help animals in the Midwest find homes
3. Build mommy & daddy a house where they can have rooms for their projects (mommy a place to sew and scrapbook and daddy to do his games and build stuff) and daddy a new car cause his makes smelly smells.
4. Make a big pot of money where if any kitty or bean on the blogosphere needed it, they could get a helping hand without any strings attached so miracles could happen in real life, not just in the movies!!!
L) Four things I do besides eat, sleep, and litterbox:
1. Play
2. Watch Reality TV from my window
3. Dream of Brandi
4. Blog with all my friends!
M) Four things I want to do this summer:
1. Sleep in a sunbeam
2. Get pets in a sunbeam
3. Play in a sunbeam
4. Sit in an open window in a sunbeam
N) My four most prized possessions that have limited value to anyone else:
1. Blue fuzzy ball with fev-vers on a stick!
2. My shoe string
3. My Purdue blanket
4. My window box
O) What I’m going to do before tomorrow is over:
1. Eat Stinky Goodness
2. Nap
3. Play with my Mommy and Daddy
4. Get my ears cleaned (yuck)
P) Which of the following is your favorite place to hide and play?
Paper bags
Plastic bags
Other (please describe)
Answer: Other, I like to hide under the end table and antique chair we have in the living room. When the toy is drug by my hiding place, I explode from underneath, pouncing on my prey and "kill" it.
Q) Four other "pets" your staff have kept with you:
None, I have FIV and since my beans can't afford another FIV+ kitty vet bills (they are afraid we'll stress each other out making each other sick and my nice VET lady agrees I'm probably more an "only kitty" personality type) I don't have to share my stuff!
R) Four furiends I tag to respond:
Jeter Harris2)
B Love3)
Little Cat Zee4)