
ManCat Mattress Pad Monday

Hi! Finally my mommy got smart and bought me a brand new mattress pad for my big bed. It is bad enough I have to share it with them, but that old thin mattress pad just didn't give the support and cushion my ManCat muscles need. Mommy put the new mattress pad on Saturday night and it is glorious.

Frankly, this is where I'll be spending most of my time from now on. I did all day Sunday. I had 2 fans, a soft matress pad, and a warm sun beaming in the window. What more could a ManCat ask for? Oh, I know, breakfast in bed!!!

Great job mommy!

Um, mommy, it is hard to relax with the flashy box around...

No more pictures! I am not Paris Hilton and I don't like my photo taken!


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh, yes, yoo need to have cushioning fur yoor mussels! You look furry comfy...

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

A new mattress pad sounds wonderful! But why, oh why do humans feel the need to take so many photos of us when we are trying to relax?

Skeezix the Cat said...

Mr Hendrix, cood yoo give me some tips on how to git sum Big Mancat mussels like yers?

Anonymous said...

We likes a nice comfy bed too, specially with clean sheets and blankie.

Beans are annoying with the flashy box and always in yore face with it. Specially when it's time to sleep. Mom says we shouldn't be so dorable when we sleep - like it's our fault!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

hehehe sounds like you are living the life of luxury! Good work my friend you have your humans well and truly trained! xx

Rascal said...

Good job. Claim the mattress. Cats always have dibs.

Unknown said...

Oh Mr. Hendrix you are spoiled, but well worth it. It sounds like you had a very relaxing weekend.

LZ said...

Its great when they figure out we need upgrades. Glad you're enjoying!


Lux said...

Hey, you made out, Mr. Hendrix! Sounds like you've got a perfect spot to rest up from all those manly pursuits now ...

Anonymous said...

How rude of her to point the flashy box at your when you are yawning. My Lady does that too. Great place to sleep.

Daisy said...

Mr. Hendrix, you have a great set-up there! I think even Bendrix would like it.

Anonymous said...

Who can figure out humans? You had them get you a nice mattress pad, which shows they're well trained. Then when you start to use the pad, what do they go and do? Bother you with the flashy-box!

Keep working with them, Mr. H. They *can* be trained...

lordjaders said...

Ha, ha--I know what you mean. The glowy box can hurrrt sometimes.

What powerrrful fangs you have!
If I was a moussy I'd be quakin in my booties.


Parker said...

Oh boy, you look very comfy! How wonderful - a new mattress pad and fans and sun. All in all, perfect!

Zoey and the furballs said...

How cool! So what will it take to get breakfast in bed?

Kimo and Sabi said...

We is also lookin' fer a cat food delivery service - it should be a law!

Forty Paws said...

Look at those fangs in that last picture!!! Wowee!

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