
Terrific Tuessday - Mini Me

The most wonderful thing happened! I won Daisy Mae Maus contest! I was the 17th post. Yippie!! I've NEVER won anything before. So when the man brought the box to the door, I thought it was for mommy, but it was for me!
First, I saw this little guy.

Hey there buddy, I haven't seen you before.

You know, with those black furs and pretty blue collar, you look very familiar....

And I shall call him...."Mini Me"

Check it out! Daisy Mae's Jessica painted a mini Squillion just for me that looks just like me! She even signed and dated the bottom. I'm so happy. Then I noticed the rest of my prizes.

Temptations! Three whole bags of flavors. Fancy Feast Elegant Medleys with Wild Salmon & Egg Soufle! *swoon*

Here I am telling "Mini Me" how yummy all this stuff is going to be.

I don't usually get a lot of extra treats cause of my IBS, but because this was a special occasion, I got 6 Diary Flavor Temptations (see how there aren't 6 left when this photo was taken. tee hee hee)

I decided that an affair like this deserves fresh nip. So "Mini Me" and I headed over to my crop (the other pot is outside "recovering" from my nibbling last week)

Do you see "Mini Me?"

Thank you so very much Daisy Mae Maus. This is the bestest prize package ever!!!!!!!!!! We are sending the most healing thoughts to your grandad.


Pearl C. Pritchard said...

Hi Mr. H!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Congratulations on winning that contest. You're so lucky to have your own homegrown stash of nip.

Chrissie said...

Hendrix, your mini-Me DOES look just like you...concatulations on winning the prizes..and those treats..YU-um!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Wow, that was a fabulous prize package! Your Mini Me is terrific - he looks just like you. :) Congratulations on winning the contest!

The Cat Realm said...

You and mini-me are adorable together!
Congratulations on winning!

Monty Q. Kat said...

How cute! It you and 'Mr. Heinie!', you know, it's a mini-Mr. Hendrix, an...and.

Wait, that didn't come out right...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! That is a really cool prize package!


sammawow said...

Congratulations on winning all those goodies and, wow, your Mini Me does look just like you!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Watch out dat Bendrix doesn't hijack yoor Mini-Me and do evil...

Forty Paws said...

That's wonderful!!! What a great bunch of prezzies! Especially the hand-made Mini-me!!!

Luf, Us

Daisy said...

Those are some great presents! DaisyMae is very nice. And I love the Mini Me. He looks just like you with a blue collar and everything.

I wonder if the Mini Me has a mini-Bendrix...

Karen Jo said...

Congratulations on winning Daisy Mae's contest, Hendrix. The little squillion does look just like you.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

oh how lovely!!! Those are pawsome prizes! xx

Shilgiah the Cat said...

Hello Mr. Hendrix,
Your "mini me" is fantastic! Congrats on winning all the other prizes and treats too.

snowforest said...

Wow what a great squillion. That's a great gift ~ one of the best I've seen ~ congrats. You two look so similar :)

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Mr. Hendrix! I am so furry glad that your mini-you got there unscathed! I'm happy that you liked your treats, too ... I snuck them into the box while Mom was puttin' the address on the top. I'm sneaky that way!


Quinn and Angel brandi said...

I think your Mini Me is adorable. But then, I think you are too....

Samantha & Mom said...

That is some wonderful gifts you won from DaisyMae. That Mimi Me, looks just like you. How cool is that!
Your FL furiends,
Samantha & Tigger

Anonymous said...

Wow you're lucky to have your own nip at home! And a mini-me! You're a VERY lucky boy! :)

Parker said...

Oh - Mini Me looks just like you! And sharing nip with him - how nice!
p.s. - we're gonna wave!

Lux said...

Mini Me is SO cute - congratulations on winning those great prizes!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Mr. Hendrix that is the best gifty I have ever seen! Your ramic kitty looks so very happy in his new home with you! Daisy Mae has a very sweet mommy to make this ramic look special just for you! You are a sweet boy....

INAMINI said...

My Mom is just smiling stoopidly. Mini-Me is furry handsome! It's nice of yoo to show him yoor pursonul stash of nip. I don't think I wood do the same.

Anita said...

Muhahahahaha! I have a "mini" me too. I will show her photo some day... muhahahaha!

Fantastic package! You are lucky.

The Crew said...

DMM was our Secret Paw and we got 4 squillions that that look like us. Mom hasn't had a chance to get all our pictures with them, though.

Be careful Bendrix doesn't steal Mini-Me and make him do naughty things!