
New Friend on Friday

I have a new friend! He is my new woofie cousin Mason. We were all very sad when my woofie cousin Sonny went to the Rainbow Bridge in January. His family misses him lots and they thought that their home needed another rescued woofie to make it full again.

So, after halfheartedly looking for another furry family member, they found "Perry" a one year old mixed woofie who had spent his whole life in shelters. So, Saturday, they went to meet him and...brought him home!

Perry needed a new name for his new life and after a lot of thinking they chose Mason. Mommy and my grandbeans went to meet him on Wednesday night.

My grandbeans got him a new tug of war toy and some treats and mommy got him a "woofie friendly cake." He loved it!!

He is so cute and sweet. He fetches, sits and shakes. When you say "Bang" and cock your finger at him he lays down and rolls over. He is just a happy boy and mommy says his ears flop really cute when he runs.

Well, I'm off to scratch the carpet and take a nap now. Mommy is working from home so I'll be expending a lot of energy to ignore her.

Mommy has been really busy on 2 big projects for work and a fundraiser for the shelter she volunteers at. We'll be settling down in a week or so!

Please keep all our Florida friends in your thoughts as Tropical Storm Faye is getting them all wet!


Parker said...

How wonderful for Mason! I am glad that your relatives got another woofie, he looks pretty cool for a woofie!
That cake is 'da bomb! I bet he never had cake before either!
A happy ending for a shelter dog...
Your family rocks!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I am glad to meet your cousin Mason. I bet you will all have a lot of fun together!

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

Yay! He looks like a nice woofie!

Purrageous Pirates said...

Mason got his own cake!?! MOM!! We want our own cake too!! Look, Mason got his own. Yummy cake!!- Samwise and Beaux

For a woofie Mason certainly is cute and he looks so happy. We are glad that he got such an awesome furrever home!! Oh, Mommy says to tell you to to tell your Mommy that a letter will be mailed to her today or tommorow. Have a great weekend buddy!!

River said...

Mason is beautiful! And he sounds so smart! Your new cousin is so lucky to have found such a loving home and family.

love & wags,

Tybalt said...

Hurray! Welcome home, Mason!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Mason looks like a very nice woofie.

Daisy said...

Hooray for Mason! He looks like a wonderful doggie, and I am glad he found such a great Forever home.

Asta said...

Mason suwe is a lucky doggie to have found youw family..he looks weal cute..I hope he'll be nice to all the kitties
smoochie kisses

The Furry Kids said...

Mason looks like a cool dude. I like his cake. It's so great that he has a new forever home and tons of people who love him.

Happy weekend to you guys!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Mason is a very handsome woofie, and plays very well :-D Congratulations, Mason, on finding your forever home!

Victor Tabbycat said...

Happy day for Mason ::spin:: Hey! He looks like tabby+white woofie! Him is yur cousin, but looks to be mine!

Nina Torbie said...

Hi, Mr. Hendrix, and thank you for your welcome! There were lots of nice woofies looking for homes at the shelters where I lived, so I'm very happy for Mason, though he looks a bit big for me.
Hugs and sandpaperkisses, Nina

Laura W said...

I love to hear about rescued woofies! (as long as they are not in my house.)
What a Lucky Dog!

Mr. H...I am pretty sure I outweigh you now. In your Widebody photos, your stomach muscle does not hang over onto the floor like mine does.
Last time I weighed I was 11lbs, but that was two months ago and I no longer am allowed to roam the yards and run free. You know what lack of exercise can do to girl's figure. It is NOT my fault.
Cake, please!

Just Ducky said...

Hmmm, Perry Mason? He he an attorney dog that chases ambulances?

Lux said...

Mason sounds like such a wonderful woofie friend!

Nice to meet you, Mason!

Sweet Purrfections said...

How wonderful that Mason has found a loving forever home!

Teddy Westlife said...

Oh welcome Mason! That's so nice of your family to rescue a nice dog like him.

Huffle Mawson

The Cat Realm said...

I Dare You!
Yes, it is time again for another challenge from The Cat Realm! Come and check out the details on our blog.
I hope you will accept the challenge and will eagerly await your entry!
I am sooo happy that Mason finally has a forever home!!!

Mickey's Musings said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! Mason looks like a cutie ,for a doggie ;) I am glad he got a home.Spending all that time in a shelter is no fun!! Now he will have love and fun!!!!! Yipee!!
Purrs Mickey

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Mason! That sure looks a yummy cake your mom gave him. What a lucky boy he is that your family found him. And he sounds very clever - doing all those cute tricks too.

Simba and Jazzi said...

oh my dog I want that cake. That is one lucky dog.

Simba x

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

How wonderful for Mason!!! He seems like a sweet woofie and has found a great forever home.

Love that cake! Did you get any?

purrs, Goldie and Shade

Quill and Greyson said...

Your family's dog looks very nice, I have current issues with my fmaily's dogs. "Ignoring" really is exhausting. I could use a nap myself.

Anonymous said...

Yea Mason is cute even if he is a woofie. Just dont tell Jake that, I like tormenting him!

~ Molly ~

Nomi said...

Mason looks adorable. Thats what miewmie says anyhow. I think he looks great fun and I'm really pleased he has found such a good home after such a rotten start.

Motor Home Cats said...

Your new woofie cousin Mason sounds like he is going to have a great new life. He must be pretty smart to know all those tricks especially since he lived in a shelter all his life. That looks like a wonderful cake.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Anonymous said...

That's great news! Welcome to Mason -- you're going to love it in your Forever Home...

My Two Best Friends said...

Meow Meow Mr Hendrix

Mason is quite a cute little pup.

Mama, MrSippi and Carolina