
Thinking on Thursday

I'm thinking in they keep shooting this orange nasty stuff down my throat, I will have to take drastic measures.

Congrats to Zippy, Sadie & Speedy who knew the face covering my spot #13 below! I'll be sending them a package of soft bitey mice!


Jans Funny Farm said...

We're here to encourage you to take the evil tasting medicine so you can get well. That's an order! You are not allowed to be sick. The cat blogosphere needs you.

Asta said...

Twy to think of it as nice owangestuff, and ask fow a tweat chasew
..you just have to get well!
smoochie kisses


Mr Hendrix
When Ping had to take his nasty medicines, he resorted to hurting himself and it scared Momma so bad she quit giving him the meds....

Just a thought...


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

*sigh* We were gonna side wif yoo on da medi-sin but den mom pointed out dat if yoo don't take it yoo will not get better. We don't want yoo to be sick Hendrix, so we are telling yoo to take dat icky medi-sin and ask fur a treat chaser. Maybe a little tuna joos after would help...

Tybalt said...

Sorry about the nasty medicine, buddy. Hang in there! Ivy is thinking up some super naughtiness to perk you up!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Need any help?

I can add some "muscle".


Nomi said...

Pleeze take the icky medcin oferwise you will stay sick !

Lux said...

I'm so sorry about your yukky-tasting medicines. Been there, done that. :-/

PB 'n J said...

Sorry dood! But you gotta take it to get better, otherwise we'd tell ya to come over here and hide till they forgot about it.

Anonymous said...

We's lucky we hasnt had to take that vile stuff. TT always used to complain that her medicine was yucky too.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Congrats to Zippy Speedy and Sadie!

As far as the meds, I work on the concept that if they can't find me or catch me they can't give it to me. This seems to work...

Unknown said...

Hey Hendrix, are you feeling any better - I sure hope so. I am purring for you buddy.

Have the beans ever given Bendrix the medicine? Just a thought that Hellie had.

Teddy Westlife said...

Well even thought it is icky you have to take your medicines so you get better! Otherwise how can we go to the movies??

Huffle Mawson

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Just twelve more days...you can do it!

Quill and Greyson said...

Hi Mr. Hendrix, so sorry to hear about your not feeling your best. Your blog is very funny, I'll drop by again.

Sweet Purrfections said...

So sorry we missed visiting yesterday. Mom has been getting home late and hasn't been able to visit as much. Please take your medicine so you can get better soon.

Halloween said...

Mr. Hendrix, I am with you. I think the claw of death might be your next tool!

Purrs, Halloween

Max said...

Dooood..take the medicine and NEVER make us look at the picture that covered your spot 13 again. Truly, I'd rather see you in all your nasty glory...
