
Friends on Friday

I have the best NOMSS Friend Clover!! She was so sweet she sent me a birthday present. This package came across the border just for me!

Open it! Open it! Open it!

It smells soooooooooooo good. mmmmmmm I think there be nip in there!

I am so excited I'm poofing up my tail!

It is! It is! Nip!! Nip in the shape of a fishie. A nommy nommy fishie! (sorry for the blurry, I was to excited to hold still)

What happens after a good nippin? That's right, the Munchies!!!

And what did my sweet NOMSS Friend send me? Temptations!!!! nom nom nom I'm so excited I was lifting both paws off (the camera only caught one up) the ground and tried to climb in my mommy's hand to eat.

See how sweet woofies can be? She knows how much we kitties love Temptations! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Clover!! You are the bestest NOMSS Friend EVER!!!

Also, perhaps you have all noticed that these are my first birthday present pics. Can you guess why? Yup, my beans have been "to tired" to "do birthday presents" this week. They promise on Sunday I'll get some (mommy is working on Saturday). They swear that they have them in the cabinet, but I don't believe it. I'm not holding my breath!

*muttering* They abandon me for 9 days, don't even call and talk to me on my birthday and don't bring me any presents. I'll leave the biggest stinky duece in the litterbox for sure if I don't get some presents soon!!


Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

That's a nip Nemo! Nice.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Well, I'm hoping my Iggles DON'T let your khytty khats win this weekend!

I'm glad woo studied the khourse Storm put together!

It really bekhomes soooo easy - in fakht, my mom has to khatch herself when writing to those that don't know the language!

Have a great khatnippin' Friday!


Ivan from WMD said...

How cool is that?? You're a lucky boy, Hendrix (even if you are forced to wait for your birthday presents)!

Quill and Greyson said...

What a nice present!!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow you iz so excited and rightly so!! They is a great pressie for you Mr Hendrix!! :)
heheh I like your pookie idea :P hehe


Simba and Jazzi said...

You are so lucky. Have a great weekend.
Simba x

Teddy Westlife said...

You totally deserve lots of pressies for your birthday.

Huffle Mawson

The Island Cats said...

Nice gifts, Hendrix! It's fun to get stuff in the mail! We think you need to teach mom and dad a lesson, though....

My Littel Island said...

wow u ar so cute Hey bring it over i just tagd u for a me me and bring the stinky goodne over O dont worry i dont like it MUS

My Littel Island said...

wow u ar so cute Hey bring it over i just tagd u for a me me and bring the stinky goodne over O dont worry i dont like it MUS

Maggie May said...

Woohoo!! Nip! That is the bestest present! Did you get our email for Christmas card exchange??
~The Creek Cats~

Clover said...

Oh Hendrix, I am so glad you got my parcel. It was just something small, but I wanted you to know that I think you are the best NOMSS friend ever! I am glad you like the fishie - I thought it looked like Nemo. :)
Love Clover xo

Babs (Beetle) said...

That's almost too much Nip and Temptations together! Happy Birthday!

Purrs, Sukie x

Parker said...

How nice of Clover - the perfect gifts!
Have a good weekend Mr. H. Did you get Mommy's e-mail for the holiday card?

Lux said...

That's such a sweet present to you, Mr. Hendrix!

Thanks so much for caring about me and my (lack of) teeth! :)

Forty Paws said...

That is so cool! A fuzzy mouse and Temp-tay-shuns! Whoo hoo!

Luf, Us

Everycat said...

A nip fishy, Temtations, a poofy tail! You are having a good day Hendrix dude. This is a great parcel and Clover is sweet. I think you will find that witholding birthday presents is actually against the law for all species. Time to lawyer up Hendrix.

Great weekend to you all

Da Wuudler

Turkey Cats said...

Happy Birthday, Hendrix!! We had a great time at your party.

Your beans might have helped the Bengals win! Just don't let them go to Pittsurgh! LOL :)

Batman and the gang

LZ said...

What a great friend!!! Fun stuff.


Daisy said...

Clover is one cool friend!

PB 'n J said...

Wow Clover is a great NOMSS Friend!

Thoughts said...

Hendrix you are a lucky cat! What a nice present and it even looks like Nemo!!!! Crunchies AND fishies make for a VERY good day!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yup, Clover is da best NOMSS frend yoo could ever have. What a wunnerful package he sent yoo...to bad yoor beans aren't as thawtful as da woofie.

Anonymous said...

Dude, why bother wif the litter box, play hide da poop in their pillows!! heh heh

Kewl nip mousie yoo gotted!!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Great gift!!!!

Nip fish? Perfect!!!!

Are you sure Clover is not a cat?


Forever Foster said...

We are pleased *someone* is thinking of you for your birthday! Parents can be so scatterbrained, and as for their 'busy' excuses, phllllbt!

Mickey's Musings said...

Pawsome presents from Clover!!!!!!
Great idea about leaving a hummer in the box too!!!
Purrs Mickey

My Two Best Friends said...

Meow Meow Mr Hendrix

What a great friend Clover is! Enjoy your treats!

Mama, MrSippi and Carolina

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Nip and Temptations! That's a kitty survival kit. Clover is the best!

Boy said...

Thank you for coming to mine party! I had fun!

zevo hussein calamari said...

Happy Birthday. So sorry we missed it. Out pet humans seem to be obsessed with that four letter word ...w-o-r-k.
