
Final Countdown

It's the Final Countdown!!

dodododo, do do do do do, dodododo, do do do do do do do, do do do do, dododododo, do do do do, dododododododo, do, dododododo, do DOOOOOOOOOOOO!

I won't apologize that those are the only words I know of that song...

One week from today #2 will start his first full day at home (mommy says that she'll be in the hospital for 4 days with the C-section coming home on Monday). I have been very busy helping get things ready and snoopervise my beans as they clean clean clean.

Although Bendrix wants to have a good ol' fashioned House Trashin' pah-TAY, I think it would be better to just have an "Exploring Party." Now, many of you have been here before and you're probably wondering what is left to explore? Tons of new stuff!

Here is a sample of some things we can check out:

New things to climb up and nap in!

New soft places to nap.

Activity centers to whap and are also apparently good for "tummy time."

Mommy has 12 regular bird feeders for birdwatching and 3 hummingbird feeders. I find it is nice to nap while in front of the reality TV window.

We can share all 4 of my fresh nip plants too (don't worry, they are much bigger since this picture was taken)!

I hope to see you all here to explore the new stuff and make sure it is safe and soft for #2. After all, if his stuff is good, he won't want mine!

This is a picture of my mommy and woofie cousin Mason taken last week at my cousin's graduation party just for my woofie friends.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh congratulations Mr. Hendrix. We will purr that everything goes easily for your Momma!

Monty Q. Kat said...

Your Mom is ready to have a blurp and is that tiny? Holy Bast, MomBean is a broad as a barn and she still has 10 weeks...to...

Um. Hi, MomBean. Did I mention how awesome you are today?

What's that? I'd love to hide under the bed, thanks for the heads up...

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Why is my mom making THAT face and digging at her ears??????

Tank woo fur sharing your woofie khousin!

We'll be khrossing our paws fur your mom and the blurp!


Daisy said...

Hendrix, this is so exciting! I can't wait to meet the new little bebbeh!

meemsnyc said...

Oh wow, how exciting!! Congrats.
Love the catnip plants! And all the fun new things to play with!

C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Hi Hendrix!
Oh Chewy and I would love to come!! Thanks for inviting us! It looks like there is a lot of stuff to test out. You will need us to test the durability of the toys and things...
We are getting really excited for your mommy and daddy - they must be excited too. I hope everything goes really smoothly.
Your mommy looks SO cute with your (also cute) woofie cousin! Thanks for sharing that pic.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are so excited for your family! We are purring that every thing goes well!

Anonymous said...

It's almost time for the human kitten to arrive! We're purring that everything goes well and #2 has a smooth entry to this world.

Motor Home Cats said...

We can't wait to see #2. We bet your parents are even more excited. We are purring that everything goes well. Make sure your daddy does a good job taking care of you while your mommy is in the hospital.

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

Victor Tabbycat said...

Mom an Dad haf a furiend who still calls our boy "It"... as in, he, she, IT. We'd love to come asplore wif you an Bendrix. Nina still fits in places I's too... big... to fit into.
If you purr in yur mom's lap, he'll be a catperson fur sure.

Parker said...

We'll help you explore - it looks as though you are good and ready for #2!
You and your family will be in our good thoughts this week!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Under the circumstances we agree. A house exploring party would be better. The new blurpy will trash the house soon enough. She needs a break while she can still get one.

Hope all goes well with your mom!

The Island Cats said...

Good luck to you Hendrix and your mom! We can't wait to see #2!!

SophieKitty said...

Looks like you and the blurpy will have comfy places to get to know each other.

Ivan from WMD said...

Looks like you've scored some neat new toys with the preparation for #2! Gosh, are you getting nervous? I think I would be!!

Quill and Greyson said...

Oh this is exciting Mr Hendrix, and Mom.

Sweet Purrfections said...

I predict many interesting stories to come!

Chesney Cats said...

We would love to come explore, looks like lots of fun stuff to check out!!

Our mama is going to be in the hospital too. Not to have a blurpy, but to have her blurpy growing parts removed. At least you get something fun out of the deal. We doubt that Mama will be bringing anything fun home from the hospital......

Forever Foster said...

Oh Hendrix, what a wonderful exciting time. We are sending great big healthy happy purrs to your mum :)

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

We're all thinking of you and your family, Hendrix!! Meanwhile, can you please show me around all the new blurpy stuff? I want to be an expert for when my time comes...

Teddy Westlife said...

Should I put a countdown on my blog?

Huffle Mawson

Poppy Q said...

We wish you all well with the blurpy, and hope your mom gets to put her feet up before the big arrival.

I'll come and share some nip with you buddy.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh a c-section is great (mom had one of each, lol) and she liked the c-section better (no extreeeeemely sore butt) Tell you mom to get out of bed and moving right after she gets the motrin. walk doubled over for a while until you can stretch out straight.
Best wishes and lots of love to all of you <3

Simba and Jazzi said...

Great changes are coming your way. Hoping everything goes well for you all.

Simba and Jazzi xx

Nomi said...

You're right, maybe a house twashing partay isn't appropwiate cos we want eveything nice and tiday for the bairn don't we ?

Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon said...

hedex at frist burps are not the much fun they pee cry and eat and take alot of mama and daddy time but as they get older they become more fun


Tulip here don't lissten one bit bups are never any fun they only it time to par-tay tulip style tup brakes out the chicken babby good

con-grats on the new burp

Ariel BushyTales said...

Thanks for visiting me, Mr. Hendrix! I like your blog, and tell your mom congratulations!

Everycat said...

We are all sending you our very best purrs and wishes that all goes well and #2 arrives safely and your Mum is ok. What a heap of great new stuff to explore!

Thanks for dropping by. We have crazy bonkers, intermittant video card problems and also insane blogger upload problems - we will get back to posting eventually! Promise!

Whicky Wuudler

Whicky Wuudler

Anonymous said...

A new baby is so exciting! We have never sniffed baby stuff so we'll be right over to check it out!

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Oh what funs! We will purr for yore Mommy and blurpy. And we'll help a'splore the house too! Woo hoo! ConCATs!

The Crew said...

I've found that Mom gets very upset if I get in Blurpy's bed. I don't know why. I think I should be able to use it when she's not here. When she visits, I'll get out!

Your friend

Thoughts said...

Congrats Hendrix and Mommie and Daddy, the big day is almost here!!

All kinds of new things to explore for you, wow! Keep us posted, and hopefully that evil Bendrix will stay away from blurpy thing... :)

Theodore and Sasha

Reese =^..^= said...

Mr. Hendrix, there certainly are a lot of exciting new things at your house. You have been so busy. Congratulations on that new blurpy. We can't wait to see the pictures of the little fella.

Anonymous said...

This is so exciting.An your a very good helper...Hugs

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

We are SO EXCITED!!!! A new blurpie!!!! GOOD LUCK TO YOUR MOMMY!!!! :)

Cory said...

We will totally help you explore and of course place even MORE kitty smells throughout the house so #2 understands the pecking order from day one! We won't trash a thing, I promise, but I will eat some of your nip.

Milo and Alfie said...

We've hot pawed it over to explore - we consider it a duty to make sure it's safe for noo blurby #2!

We are sending purrs for your Mom, and noo blurby's safe arrival too.

OK, let's get this exploration started!

ragdoll cat breeders said...

good luck too...:)

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

IS IT HERE YET????????? Oh, we are so excited!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Good luck to your Mommie today! We are keeping her and your blurpy in our prayers for a safe welcome into the world.


Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon said...


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are purring that everything goes well and your mum and#2 are soon home with you. We'll be over for the explorin party okay.

loki said...

Hello Mr.Hendrix,

We will purr that everything will go very well for your Momma!

Big hugs,


C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

It's baby day!!! I am so excited! I hope everything is going smoothly and well. We are thinking of all of you today!

Chrissie said...

Hendrix, I'll be purrin' and purrayin' for a safe and healthy delivery of your #2 blurpy thing! I'm so excited for you! BTW-watch out for drool-it's gross out to the max, man!

Hansel said...

hurrah! we are so excited!

Max said...

Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet?

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Just stopping by to let you knows we's purring fur effurryone.
Hope the little blurpy is here now.
Love & Purrs,

C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

I had to come back and check if you were able to post while your mom is at the hospital with baby... I am REALLY excited for you guys!

Anonymous said...

MOL Our blurp had da same mat wif da jungle stuffs. It was furry comfy to sit on!!

We hope dat everyfing is goin well and dat yer mom and #2 are home as scheduled!!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Today is da day and we is purring dat all haf gone well and dat yoor mom and #2 are in excellent health!

muffinmidi said...

It was nice of you to check out the new stuff and make sure it was safe for #2.

Samantha & Mom said...

Purrrs, purrrs, purrrs that Momma has the baby easily and fast!!
Your FL furiends,

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

I remember those times well. Good Luck to your Mom!!! Let the fun begin!!!!

I would have brought some shrews for a good ol' game of Shrew Corpse Toss but I am still under house arrest. They would have gone so nice with the new decor. Sorry about that buddy.

I think I'll go have a nice nap in that big white thing though!

Purrs Goldie

Kaz's Cats said...

We're dropping by to say concats to your beans, and we hope your Mom and #2 are doing okay,


Gypsy & Tasha

Kaz's Cats said...

We're dropping by to say concats to your beans, and we hope your Mom and #2 are doing okay. Cool place to explore that you have here Hendrix,


Gypsy & Tasha

jenianddean said...

We're very very excited for you! Can't wait to see #2.

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Concats to your family! We hope #2 and your mom are doing well. We can't wait to see pictures of #2.

The Cat Realm said...

Are congratulations in order? Is #2 home yet? Where are the pictures???
Good choice of name, makes it perfectly clear who is # 1.
On the other hand, wouldn't #3 be more appropriate?
#1 - Mr. Hendrix, #2 Bendrix, #3 blurpy thing?
Oh well - you'll figure it out....