As to the most important thing, I am doing better with the sticky stinky boy and no trip to the VET necessary. The animal communications person explained to me (and had my beans explain to me too) that his "boundaries or energy field is growing and changing and that is okay. Ask Hendrix to honor and respect that energy field." So, I'm trying. She also talked to me on her own and we all think that helped.
There was an incedent yesterday but even mommy agreed I was provoked (think tail + fist + squeeze) and no one was hurt so it all turned out OK. I did show that sticky little turd by teeth big time tho. My tail didn't get yanked cause mommy was right there and swooped down and took Joel's (and Joel) away thank Bast. Just gripped.
I've been getting extra pets and playtime. Here is my taking out all my agression on my purple feather toy. Kill it! Kill it! Kill it and drag it behind the door and eat it!
Well I think you're doing good, just remember, it is going to take some practice and patience...from both you and Joel. You will get there!!!
We know you and Joel will soon know each others boundaries.
Mr. H, you showed restraint with the human kitten Joel given the circumstances. Fortunately your human mom was there to intervene before anything bad happened.
Whew! That was a close one with your tail. Our advice is to stay as high as you can, as much as you can. And Kil that purple feather toy! That thing looks menacing.
I am glad things worked out okay! That is excellent. The Woman hopes that our animal communication session will go as well.
You can come by anytime this week. If Rebecca comes over, we don't touch anyway, cause all her family are lergic to kitty fur, so you can snuggle with me and keep me company while she and my mama talk. It isn't definite that she'll come Monday, anyway.
You can come efurry day, sweetie, when you are lonely.
That is very interesting, what the animal communicator said... and true! I'm glad things have been improving. I actually addressed your issue in my latest advice column, although, from your last few blog posts, it sounds like your humans have already done some of what I suggest. My human found this link, too, that has some suggestions for your humans to check out - she thought many of the moms here had good advice:
It's gonna take a little time for that stinky boy to realize you aren't a toy to be grabbed and played with, Hendrix. In the meantime, just try to stay clear of the little hard as that may be.
Glad to see woo two are doing better -
I'll khonkhur, THAT was grounds fur putting him in HIS khrate!
My mom understands the challenges of shooting blakhk khritters - some of her transport passengers really needed to file a khomplaint ovFUR her pikhs!
We hope Joel has fun with the GOOD khousin at the beach!
Hopefully Joel will learn how to treat a kitty the way he is supposed to be treated and hopefully, you will be patient with him while he learns.
We think you and Joel will be great friends once you learn each others boundaries!
You're a good boy, Hendrix. It must be a very tricky time for you both, learning about what is allowed and what is not. We're very relieved that you haven't had to go to the v-e-t.
I want to talk to an animal communicator! My Mum says I can't because our small town doesn't have one - darn. Was she nice?
I am glad you and the sticky boy are getting along better - you have to admit he is awfully cute : )
I know that you'll teach the stinky child eventually.
Well, it sounds like the sticky person is learning a little - but the tail incident, well, we can see how that could have gone so much worse - it sounds like you were pretty good through the whole thing, considering the grabbing and all! We hope that there is a good understanding between you both now!
first off we can't believe how fast joel has grown!! And we are sorry that things have been rough. It's something that mom has worried about if our beans ever have stickies- because they worry for sure that tesla will pee all over the baby stuff. We are very very nervous.
You are very brave to share your home with the sticky little person!
We love that feather toy, too!
By the way, have you considered Feliway plug-in? We have them, and we think they help.
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
I remember those days! They will be over soon enough, faster than you think, and then you'll have a best bud!!
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