
Wordless Wednesday - Hanging in my Sunbeams


Anonymous said...

Hi, Mr. Hendrix...We just stopped by to meet you and say hello!

Sorry to hear about your "chaps"...They'll be better soon.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Sunbeams are the best. :) You look quite comfortable there.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Ah, mom calls dat a 'meetloof'. Yoo look like yoo is furry comfy der.

LZ said...

OK, where are these alleged "sun beams"? We have snow, not sun. You look so happy there and quite and wonderful!


Tara said...

You look so comfy and content! Aren't sunbeams great?

momsbusy said...

mmmm, love to sleep in them sunbeams.

yuki & kimiko

Forty Paws said...

We luf sunbeams too. Dey make us warm.

Pulleeze send Dorfie gud thoughts today. He's gittin more toofies yanked.

Luf, Us

Daisy said...

We call that the "boat" position. That position should be good for keeping yer chaps warm.

Kimo and Sabi said...


Lux said...

What a precious picture, Mr. Hendrix ... we have sunbeams here today also!

MaoMao said...

Hee, my momma calls that position a Meatloaf, too. When me and my sisters curl up like that, she calls us Little Kitty Meatloaves or Little Meaty Kitloves. Makes us purr.

You look so comfy and warm!

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Gotta love a good sunbeam...

Ivan from WMD said...

And right near one of those magic heaty things, too! Score!

Catzee said...

That's a furry comfy lookin' spot. Ya look good wif blue unner ya.

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Sunbeams are the best, but why do they keep on moving?
