
For Gizzy and Lilly Lu

Gizzy, you were a wonderful brother to Millie. You took this crazy kitten under your wing and showed her love and affection. We loved reading all about you and how nice you were to let Millie jump all over you (even on your sunny napping spots). We'll miss you. Your family will always love you and remember you. I asked Comet & Sebastian (our 2 Goldens who are over the bridge) to show you around. They are good rompers and they like grass too.

Dear Lilly Lu, what can we say? We adore you! We're praying and purring and hoping and crossing paws and fingers that you get well soon. Your dear Red Sox need you and so do we! Your Mama Laura needs you to get all better soon. You've been through so much and you deserve better than this.

Menu Foods (*spitting and hissing*) if I told you what we think of you, they'd shut down my blog. So, all I can say is shame on you for your greed.

We can't figure out how to make the blog pink on mommy's Mac at work (if anyone know please leave a comment) but we are pink in spirit for Lilly Lu!!!


Forty Paws said...

Very nice thoughts for Lilly Lu and Gizzy, Bendrix.

Luf, Us

Anonymous said...

We are so very worried about Lilly Lu! We hope she pulls through!

Mom found that graphic somewhere on the net, then she cropped it and made it into a TT graphic. It's cute, isn't it?!

Daisy said...

I am so sad today. I wish bad things did not have to happen to our friends. And I hope our purrs will help Lilly Lu.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Wonderful post Hendrix. This has been a very sad week. My thoughts are with Gizzy and I'm praying for Lilly Lu to get better.

Tara said...

Very, very, nice....Mom's eyes are leaking again...

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Mom thinks we shood find out what else Menu Foods sells fur a buck and boycott (that means not buy) their crap. We'll miss Gizzy and think about hime effury time we lay on our kwilts (which is a lot). We've been laying on our kwilts purraying fur Lilly Lu, she hasta get better cuz we can't take any more sadness.

Parker said...

That was so very sweet Mr. H. Such a sad time for kitties. I am purrin' and prayin' so hard for LL!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer mr. hendrix,
dis wuz a verree sweet post dat u rote.
dis haz been a verree tuff week all arownd.
luv--yer frend--jh

Ivan from WMD said...

What a nice tribute, Hendrix. It has been such an overwhelmingly sad couple of weeks, hasn't it? And thanks for asking after my mom, too. :-)

Anonymous said...

There's a lot of bad news this week... we cats have to stick together and support each other, the way you're doing for Gizzy and Lilly Lu. A lot of humans care about them, too...

muffinmidi said...

Mommy and I are sad about LilyLu and are praying for her.
How come you don't visit my blog any more? I miss you.

Tiger Lily said...

Thank you for your nice thoughts for my Grandpa. We really hope Lilly Lu gets better soon!

Paige said...

I'm back but sad about the sad sad news of effurybuddy.

Paige said...

B. Love

The Fluffy Tribe said...

furry nice sentiments Mr Henrix ~poiland Tribe

Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

What a wonderful tribute to Gizzy! And your thoughts and love for Lilly Lu are so touching.

Karen Jo said...

You wrote a wonderful post, Mr. Hendrix. I am sad about Gizzy and hoping hard for Lilly Lu. These are rough times we are going through.

Rascal said...

Pink purrs for Lilly Lu.

Boy said...

Ya! Wots of purrs for Gizzy's and Wiwwy Wu's famiwies.
And HISSES for Menu Foods!

Around Your Wrist said...

that's beautiful, mr. hendrix. i've been praying and hoping for our friend lilly lu.

maybe my blog is pink enough for both of us?


Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Such sad worriesome days......

CalicoMom Toni

Boo said...

I got the cool colours on my page because my mummy likes to edit and make her own HTML. If you start of with one of the backgrounds blogger gives you just edit that. It's fairly easy once you understand.

Good luck!

Jinx :)