
Funnest Toy Ever!

Mommy got me the funnest toy ever! A remote control mousie! She got it at PetSmart for $14.95 and I love it.

Daddy is great about making the mousie GO GO GO too. Since it is remote control, I can stalk it when it runs behind, or into my fort (see the mousie sneaking into my fort on the right?? and there is me stalking up on it).

I can chase it behind my scratching ramp and under my ugly blue towel and even....PAPER TOWELS! Here I am ready to pounce!

This is the bestest most funnest toy ever (don't worry little blue fev-ver toy, I still love you best). Speaking of loving best, Brandi dear, if you read this, please email me!


Parker said...

Wow, oh wow, oh wow! Mommy, can I have one? Please!?! That looks super cool! Have lots of fun playin' with it!

Anonymous said...

We had that on our wish list a while back, but we were wondering...does it roll on carpet, too?

Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

WOW! That looks like a blast! My Mommy was just at Petsmart yesterday while in Little Rock and she didn't even look at Kitty toys! She looked at things for the rats. Can you bleive that?! I could have had the coolest toy on Earth! Thanks Hendrix, not I can show this to her so she won't make that mistake again!

Mr. Hendrix said...

Hi Meezer Gang! It won't roll on thick/fluffy carpet, but it does roll on mommy's runners that are a smooth carpet. I had some fun times then!

Anonymous said...

you know what? our Lady saw that on your blog and said, "Oh, I saw that at the pet store". WHAT? she saw it and didn't buy it for us? she's gettin' the bitey, big time.

Meowers from Missouri said...

oh what fun!! enjoy it in good health!!

*mom? mom? MOM!!!!! c'mere a second . . . ."*

Daisy said...

That does look like the funnest toy ever!

Anonymous said...

purrrs! yup - all's well, 'cept fur the Lady bein' too bizzy. besides werkin' 6 dayz a week, she's now home-skoolin' the Blonde Girl an so we gotta try ta help 'round the howse. i'm tryin' bloggin' an Midnight an Grr are dustin' - Midnight clears of shelfs wif her paw an Grr dusts wif her tail. they do this before dawn yooshully.

Anonymous said...

i ment "clears OFF shelfs", not "of" - sumtimes i duzzn't tipe so good.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

wow that looks fabulous, I really want one. I may order the slaves to get me one. Yes, yes I think I will.

Kimo and Sabi said...

Ummm...we hadded one of them...we did not like it one bit!

MaoMao said...

Wowie Zowie, that mousie looks like it's a blast! I bet it would make me and my sisters go nutz. Have fun with that thingie!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

KC said...

i's want one, i's want one... oh, oh, oh, gotta haf one of thems... could put mine camera strap on it and watch it try ta outrun me's...hee hee.

Artsy Catsy said...

Wowzer, Hendrix, that is the bestest toy ever! I'll have to put one in our budget, because we have all hardwood floors and it would go and go and go like the Energizer Bunny!!


Bad Kitty Cats & Megan said...

Oh we would love to have one of those, it looks wonderful. you look very intent on stalking, that would be fun!

Karen Jo said...

The remote control mousie looks like the most fun toy ever!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That is so cool Hendrix! :) What a great toy. :) That looks like lots of fun! :) Enjoy!

Forty Paws said...

Oh Bendrix, it looks like yur hafin SO much fun!!! Wit yur fort an yur blankie an yur paper towels an yur new mousie!!!

Luf, Us

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

wow ... a reel live remote control mowse! i gotta hav dat!
ps--dat wuz mi noo brudder matsui crackin da whip! mi brudder mickey needz sumcat to crack da whip. he weighz abowt 500 poundz hizself.

Tara said...

Neat toy! I have a remote controlled tarantula. At first I didn't like it, but now I like it alot. It won't roll on our carpet, but the kitchen floor is great.

Meowers from Missouri said...

oh, you smartie, mr hendrix! monty python is perZACly what our mom said when we showed her the bunny's revenge picture!!!

Tiger Lily said...

That does look like fun. I can't have anything like that because my woofie Sushi would take it and eat it.

Lena said...

Thanks so much Mr. Hendrix for dropping by my blog and leaving such a kind comment on Mrs. Staggs blog! You are indeed our first feline visitor.
This toy does look like fun!

Miss Luna

Boy said...

That's one cool toy!!!

Ivan from WMD said...

I had one exactly like that! Only I bit the tail off right away and it really doesn't work any more. So don't go biting on its tail!