
Wordless Wednesday - No Bedmaking


The Furry Kids said...

Good job on the bedmaking prevention. Unmade beds are way more comfy.

I'd love to be your different species friend, if you're still interested. There's plenty of me to go around. hee hee

Although, I think I'd rather not be friends with the Bendrix dude. He sort of scares me.


Jimmy Joe said...

Good job. I hope you've left lots of good black hairs on the bed. Black hair will go nicely with the blood stains you are causing!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

My humans have giving up on making the bed since I have claimed it for my own!

Monty's BabyBean is in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I make sure it's challenging for Momma to make the bed too.

Daisy said...

I like unmade beds best, too.

Karen Jo said...

That is a very good way to keep the bed unmade, Hendrix. I am hoping and praying that Babybean recovers quickly.

Anonymous said...

Unmade beds are the very best to sleep in. Our mom is kind of obsessive about having the bed made up before she goes hunting every day so we don't get much chance. But sometimes......

HRH Yao-Lin said...

ah,. that looks like a Bendrix pic to me! Bendrix indeed, definitely saying ' go away stupid humans I am sitting on the bed you can do your cleaning later'. yes, definitely he he xxx

Anonymous said...

That is exactly what I do. The bed is more comfy when the covers are all bunched up.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

We hope you are feeling better too Mr. Hendrix

Purrrs, PRinnie

Anonymous said...

You have your human trained well, Mr. H. Wherever the cat chooses to sit, the human must not disturb him.

Unknown said...

I hope you are feeling better Hendrix.

Oh yes, I like to lay on the bed in the morning and prevent my Mum from making the bed too. This way I will be all comfy in the bed all day while Mum's at work, I can even burrow under the covers.

muffinmidi said...

I hope you're feeling
better, my friend. It sounds like you made that VET work for his money.Good job.
I like unmade beds too. They save me the trouble of messing them up.

Anonymous said...

That is a great photo of you!

Lux said...

Absolutely, Hendrix, bedmaking is right out. Good of you to make sure yours stays that way.

Boy said...

I can't understand why beans want to make their beds!
One thing I must say is, mine Mummy is sensible enough not to make her bed. After all, I need it don't I?