
Midnight Monday Star Award

HRH Yao-lin awarded both me AND Bendrix the blogging star award. We are very happy to receive it, especially from royalty!

This one is for me.

This one is for Bendrix.

The award was created by a bean named Barb at Skittles' Place. This award is for bloggers who shine their light throughout the Blogosphere. Some do it with humor, others with creativity, and others with their kind and thoughtful natures. Barb says says this is what you do if you receive the award:

Proudly display it on your blog along with a link to who gave it to you.
Mention that it originated at Skittles' Place so I can follow its journey.

Pass it on to any blogger(s) you think should have it:
I pass this on to my Sweet Brandi who is a star to me and always has nice things to say.
I also pass this on to Jack who does a very good job keeping us informed on the Vishus Deer threat and keeps a very sad list of those who've gone to the Bridge.

Mooooooooooooooom, House Panthers do not like to be disturbed when they are getting their vitamin D. Jeez


HRH Yao-Lin said...

he he house panther indeed! You deserve that award, both of you for being so funny!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your awards!

The Cat Realm said...

Congratulations, both of you!!!
You both deserve this award, for sure! You are my star, Hendrix. And Bendrix would have been Anastasia's star!
Your friend Karl

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Congratulations on your award, Hendrix! Congrats to Bendrix too!

Daisy said...

Way to go Hendrix and Bendrix!

Team Tabby said...

Congratulations Mr. Hendrix and Bendrix. We have known you only a short time, but have enjoyed every minute. Thx for the warning about racoons, I sure hope mom listens to us kitties.

Moe & Mindy

Jimmy Joe said...

You look just like a panther in the sunlight, Mr. H. Did you clean your whiskers and dream of hunting in the jungle?
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Mr. Hendrix and Bendrix! You are both Blogging Stars!

And that's a lovely picture of you sleeping in the sun, Mr. Hendrix!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

Anonymous said...

Congrats there Mr. Hendrix Meowwww

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Concatulashuns to both yoo and Bendrix...get yoor vitamin D, we'll show ourselves out.

Mickey's Musings said...

Yay for your awards!!!!!!!!!!!!
Boo for your Mom interrupting Vitamin D collection! Heehee

Kimo and Sabi said...

Congrats on yer stars!

Samantha & Mom said...

You both deserve this award, you are both so different, yet so much alike!
ConCatulations on the Blogging Star Award!
Your FL furiends,

The Crew said...

Ahhhh, all of us enjoy sunning ourselves. The warmth relaxes us and helps us nap!

Regarding your Coats of Many Colors membership, as a handsome panther guy, you're certainly eligible. As soon as I get your information and you're officially listed, I'll send you the html code for the membership button for your sidebar.

George (Founder)
Coats of Many Colors

The Fluffy Tribe said...

concatulations on your awards ~the fluffy Tribe

Leslie said...

Love the "house panther"! Gorgeous!
Leslie from topcatrules.blog.com