
Lucky Mancat

I have to say, I am one lucky Mancat. I have such a pretty girlfriend cat. Her name is Brandi and she makes me all goofy when I look at her.
Isn't she pretty?? Those silky furs...

She is like a princess sitting on her couch. So regal. Sigh.

If only I could be snuggled next to her. She even makes Bendrix blush! She certainly is my sweet lady cat. She is always so nice to everyone and takes time to visit even tho her computer can be slow. We are almost at our One Year Anniversary! it was at Smeagol, Strider,Mystery & Gizmo's November Birthday/Gotcha Party last year that Brandi agreed to be my ladycat love. It seems like just yesterday...


Mickey's Musings said...

You old softie!Girls always do that to us ;)
You are a Lucky Mancat!!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Very sweet post, Hendrix. :) You and Brandi make a cute couple. :)

Shilgiah the Cat said...

Her little white spot on her nose is so cute! You are a lucky mancat.

Daisy said...

Mr. Hendrix, I am so happy that you have such a wonderful girlcat as Brandi!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yoo is a furry lucky mancat indeed. Aren't all we mancats wif lovely gerlfrends (Misty) just da luckiest!

The Crew said...

My, has it been a year for you & Brandi already? How time flies.

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

You, my sweet, are the bestest boyfriendcat ever! Hansome, sweet, but brave and courageous, too. I am so lucky we met :sigh:


Anonymous said...

Very sweet post Brandi is lovely :)

Anonymous said...

You and Brandi are a great couple! She is a very pretty girlcat.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Yep having a girlfurrend cat is the best fing that can happen to Mancats.

Team Tabby said...

Brandi is a lovely gurlcat, Mr. Hendrix. You must be so proud.

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

You have lovely lady cat Mr. Hendrix. I have mancat love, but he not blog.

ASTOR CATS said...

You are a very lucky mancat Hendrix. Brandie is a sweetie and she is just as lucky to have you as her big mancat. Congratulations on your soon to be 1 year anniversary.

Anonymous said...

Oh you are so romantic to even remember when you started being boyfriend and girlfriend!

Anonymous said...

Brandi really is very pretty.

Oh how I wish I had a girlfriend...

Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

Furry sweet post, Hendrix, you and Brandi are a great couple!!

Wow, it has been almost a year, we remember!! We're so glad we had that party!!

Tara said...

She is a lovely lady cat!

Parker said...

Brandi is a very, very pretty girl - you are a lucky kitty!

Monty Q. Kat said...

You big mancat! ;D

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

At a loss there, guy.

We are just "friends" with other kitties. ;)

Skeeter and LC

Miz Allie Cat said...

She sure is there...your lucky..but I am jealous...Meowww

Forty Paws said...

What a great girlfurriendcat you have in Brandi, Mr. Hendrix.

Thank you for posting about Reno & Dorf on the cat blogosphere. We appreciate all the purrs & purrayers that are being sent our way.

Reno will be at the V-E-T until at least Saturday. Funny, but even they are having trouble pilling him!!!

Dorf, unfortunately, was diagnosed with generalized retinal degeneration. Big words to say he is going blind. This is not surprising based on his behavior, but I was sure hoping for something like diabetes or a disease that could be regulated or cured. I'll post more on our blog.

Thanks for your concern. Lots of purrs and hugs.

Luf, Us & Maws

Lux said...

She IS lovely, Hendrix - you are so sensitive and sweet to her!

Anonymous said...

oooh, yur girlfriend is very pretty! I hope sum day when I a big man cat, I can has a pretty girlfriend too.

ps. I taggin you fer the desktop meme. You can see the rulz on my blog. Haf fun.

Starbuck and Torrey said...

Very cute! What a stunning couple you two make!an

The Cat Realm said...

I smell a party..... First Anniversary party??? She is very sweet, Mr. Hendrix!
And of course you can enter as a bat in the noms costume contest - I can't wait to see you!!!!!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

hehe hendrix you are so cute. x

Anita said...

Oh Mr. Hendrix! You´re falling in love. ConCATulation!!! Muhahahaha!

I like the new look of your blog


zevo hussein calamari said...

ain't love grand?