
Mancat Monday - Halloween style

Hi! Here is my first slideshow. I hope future slideshows will be cooler than this, but mommy thought you'd all enjoy seeing me and Bendrix posing in our Halloween costumes. You heard right, Bendrix makes a guest appearance!

Here is our first ever slideshow!!!

(we didn't know how to add music or make this just play on our post...)


Anonymous said...

I bet someone like Dragonheart can help. We've never had a slide show put up on our blog and it's a little different in wordpress anyway.

Anonymous said...

You make a scary elephant!

Tara said...

Great show! I saw Bendrix!

I know how you feel, Mom's been busy too and haven't kept up with helping me too well!


Team Tabby said...

We love the elephant hat!

Miz Allie Cat said...

Ohhh that is really good there Mr. Hendrix....very berry scary elephant...meow...

Sunny's Mommy said...

I LOL'ed at some of those pictures. You weren't very cooperative with your Mom :-p

Very nice slideshow!

Cat Naps in Italy said...

We tried to watch the show, but our computer is too slow. We will try again later.

Did you know that Nov. 3rd 2004 was a HUGE day for us too? On that day we left for America to live in Italy. While you were being rescued by your sweet humans, we were on a plane to Italy. On that day, all our lives changed forever!

The weather here has gotten really cold the past few days. We are sooo happy that we are indoor cats because it is too cold to be outside. Someone even mentioned the s word (snow). Who knew it snowed in Italy!

Opus and Roscoemfzc

Anonymous said...

You are a very cute elephant but to don't look too happy about it.

We see Bendrix!

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

You have a silly mommy for making your wear the elephant hat! We think you should demand extra treats for suffering the indignity of it all!!

Daisy said...

You were very brave to pose with all those real-life elephants! I'll bet they wish they could be that pretty blue color like you. I saw Bendrix, too!

Monty Q. Kat said...

Wow, you make a very impressive elephant, Mr. Hendrix!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yoor just to cute as a blue elefant. We saw Bendrix, funny we din't think he looked too evil.

Catzee said...

Oooo, that am a furry nice slide show! Ya look kinda grumpy tho, havin' to haf that stuff on yur head.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Hi there hendrix! I am sorry I didn't post over the weekend, i was far too busy prancing around singing phantom of the opera songs. You will understand when you check my blog.

I do not wish to offend either you OR Bendrix so I will certainly post a stunning picture of myself for you this week.

Also, I love your halloween slideshow, it is infinitely better than Baby mao's pathetic attempt plus it shows a handsome cat in a wonderful costume.


p.s I laughed about your comment re the cat napper. I too hope they make a butch cat loving friend in prison! hahahaha a

MaoMao said...

Awwww, Mr. Hendrix, you make a superduper eleffant! And hehehe, I saw Bendrix, too! He looked KOOL!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Gretchen said...

Oh, I like your slide show. It was pretty good for your first one.
I haven't tried to do that yet.

I love your elephant costume. I'm pretending it's a purple elephant, because I love purple elephants and playing thundering herds of elephants.

You can most certainly host Mike for a week. You are number 8 on the list. I'm afraid it'll have to the santa village instead of the Halloween village. Each visit is about a week long. But I'll notify you when your time gets close. You will get a password to his teleportal when it's time for you to pick him up.


Rosemary B❤️ said...

That is really cool, and you are a very good elephant! So lucky you got to thunder around with the big guys!

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

BLUE elephantz? Iz dis a bit like pink elepha-antz dat hold der breathez?

I tink diz iz a scary thought fur you.

-Dr tweety

The Cat Realm said...

That was so funny!!! I especially like the guest appearance by Mr. Bendrix!

Lux said...

That was really cute! Your furs are very shiny (but you or maybe it was Bendrix didn't look too pleased to be wearing that costume)! :)

The Furry Kids said...

Awesome slideshow!
I saw Bendrix, too. He didn't look real happy.


The Crew said...

Cool spidey web on your slide show!

OK, you are the elephant but what is Bendrix wearing? We couldn't tell.

lordjaders said...

Mr. Hendrrrix,
I don't know whetherrr to laugh with you orrr crrry forrr you! I think you most definitely don't need a costume with yourrr beautiful black furrr. Just pose by a jack-o-lanterrrn and you'll look verrry spoooky!

Karen Jo said...

Phooey, Photobucket is doing maintenance and I couldn't see the slideshow. I'll try again later.

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

dude, that is a great slide show! I saw bendrix, too! I like both of your costumes.

Tybalt said...

Great slideshow!

I am NOT letting mommy look at it cuz she might get some ideas.