
Threatening Thursday

One thing I noticed when mommy went to feed the birdies yesterday is that she put FOUR piles of corn on the ground by the woods. I don't know if any of you remember, but often we have deer passing by on their way to the park.

Well, lately mommy has seen four deer, one a juvenile male with ANTLERS about 6 inches long!! Ack! So, since it has been so cold, mommy has taken to putting out four piles of corn for them to eat! Can you believe it?!? That means every night and every morning FOUR vishus deer are behid my house! Where I can see them and they can see me!

Look what they did yesterday morning. That is an inch of ice on top of that snow they busted thru to get to the corn. Their hooves must be soooooo sharp.

This morning they had busted thru the ice AND an additional 4 inches of snow that fell yesterday.

Mommy says if she iddn't feed them they would starve and if they are starving they are more likely to attack and eat juicy kitties so she is really only protecting me. What do you think? I feel pretty threatened. Am I safe???


Cory said...

I don't know...we have only seen one little deer in our backyard and she was really sweet. She just looked at us and didn't seem like she would hurt any of us kitties. I think she just wanted to eat apples from our tree.

The Island Cats said...

We think you need to keep your eye on those vishus deer, Hendrix...you just can't trust 'em...

The Meezers or Billy said...


ok,we is purrty shur that your mommy would nefur put you in harms way but still.... we would hide out for a whiel

Kiddo said...

Good thing you're inside where it's warm and safe and the vishus deer can't get you!


meemsnyc said...

We think its great that your mommy is feeding them. But make sure you be careful!

Cafe Cats said...



Nomi said...

As long as you are indoors and they are owtdoors, you is safe. I think your mommy is right, the corn will taste so delishus to them that they won't even think about eating poodins.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

your human is a traitor who will no doubt come to rue her traitorous ways when the vishus deer finally catch up with her! She should be afraid! You can mock her fear, Bendrix, when it all ends in tears! Mwa ha ha


Mickey's Musings said...

I think you need to be sure your house has very strong doors!!!!! Stay inside too.They won't be as hungry if your Mom feeds them :)
Purrs Mickey
PeeEss: Want a laff? Yesterday Mom & I read your blog and went to make a comment. Because my comment box was still open,dufus Mom posted the comment in MY blog!!!! We just noticed it today :o
We put it in your comment box for yesterday :)

Sunny's Mommy said...

We have a lot of those where we live. That's a good idea for your Mommy to feed them, so they don't starve and look for kitties. I think you're safe, Hendrix ;-) Just make sure you stay inside.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I think so long as you stay inside they will just take the offerings and not eat you...

Hansel said...

O no! vishus deers?! an yoor mommeh iz callin dem!

Just Ducky said...

Stay inside, you should be safe as I don't think your mum will bring them inside.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I think will be safe from the deer but watch out fur the siberian!


Anonymous said...

Wow! Those poor little deer. I know your Momma is protecting you but I think it is also sweet that she does not let them dies of starvation :)
We do not have deer here where I am so I do not know, but I know they will no break through your house :))
I certainly hope!... hehe
PES: Thank you so much for coming by to visit and wish Momma well.. I hope she gets better too, just so we can have a little silence once again.. hehe.. she is ok though.. nothing bad to worry about, thankyou again my furry furiend:))

Quill and Greyson said...

We don't have deer here, but I think your Mom would protect you.

Quill and Greyson said...

We don't have deer here, but I think your Mom would protect you.

Forever Foster said...

It sounds like your mum has a good plan to protect you from the vishus deers. But keep your guard up, Hendrix!

Simba and Jazzi said...

I wouldn't like to meet one of them on a dark night.

Have a great weekend.

Simba and Jazzi xx

Anonymous said...

We have deer come through our backyard too. They eat the peanuts and bird seeds that Mom puts out. She feels sorry for them because they are cold and hungry and she says they won't hurt us.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

I am a little nervous of those deer but we have a lot around here and they have never eaten a cat. Or so they say....

Chrissie said...

Your mom loves ya, Hendrix. She's keepin' those vishus deer occupied with yummy corn so their thoughts don't turn to yummy YOU!

Do hide, tho'. Just in case.

My Littel Island said...

NO NO NO they wint ete u to much fur in the tuffys they dont know how to use tree fut a pick

George Online Cat said...

Hendrix, deer. Wow. We have some but they never come into the garden. I see them through the window at night. My human says there is a wonderful poem by Thomas Hardy about deer in the dark.

Thoughts said...

Hendrix I think you are safe. I dont think deer bhave any interest in beautiful mancats like yourself. they are gentle, docile creatures. we also feed them when we can and are so happyt to hear that your mom does too!

Theodore and sasha

Unknown said...

I think you are very safe, so long as you stay inside. Deer can be very vishus - especially the little cute ones with long eye lashes...
Your mommy is very sweet to care for the deer like that - even if they are vishus...

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Your mom is very sweet to feed the evil vishus deer to keep them from starving. I'm pretty sure you'll be safe indoors, but you probably should sleep with one eye open just in case.

Ana said...

wow, you are having deers in the yard.. that's really interesting. we guess your mommy is doing well in feeding them!

Boy n Beethoven said...

Oh no!!! Vishus deer! Be careful!


Anonymous said...

Hendrix - I don't think deer like eating cats very much - they would much rather have the corn. It's very nice of your mom to feed the dear with all that snow and all...The only thing you need to be careful about is running out of corn :-)