
Tip Request on Tuesday

OK, this time I'm requesting tips. Mommy decided that she was going to get a "body pillow" now so she could get used to it. We only have a queen sized bed. That means there is daddy, mommy, me and this stoopid pillow.

Something has to give. Any tips on how to get the daddy out of bed are appreciated.

PS Mommy and I got tired of blogrolling.com to get their act together and fix their issues so we are updating our blogroll with blogger. It will probably take a while to get everyone in - I am so glad to have so many friends - so please bear with our messy sidebar until then!


The Meezers or Billy said...

um, whapping him in the head in the middle of the night and randomly jumping on his "man parts" might do it

Kiddo said...

Find his keys and drag them around. The sound will surely get him going!


The Creek Cats said...

We are also curious about how to get the daddy out of our bed. When you find out, please let us know!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Too bad blogger only lets you list blogger blogs though...

I have been trying to get the male of bed for years and have not been successful. Georgia tries to get him out by walking on him in the middle of the night and then meowing in his face...

catsynth said...

We're not sure how much we like this "getting daddy out of the bed" concept ;)

The Island Cats said...

Well, if you sleep on his side before he gets there, he'll have no where to go....'cept the couch! hehehehe!

Simba and Jazzi said...

Sounds like Daddy needs to find somewhere else to sleep.

Simba and Jazzi xx

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

I'm here to tell you that running back and forth across the Daddy does not work! I got sent for a timeout in my PTU at 3 this morning. Mommy didn't rescue me until 5!! -Riley

The beans can't just shut Riley out of the room because he throws his body against the door and claws the carpet. Miraculously he has stayed quiet in the PTU. He actually likes the PTU, so this isn't terrible punishment. When this happens, I just stretch out and enjoy more Mommy time. -Tiki

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

Now, Sugar Pie, you KNOW you like your mancave with your daddy. Be nice to him!

ps. gave you an award.

Ivan from WMD said...

If everybody were sideways on the bed, that would work. (Oh, your mommy and daddy's legs would hang over the edge, but you'd be OK!)

Clover said...

Hi Hendrix!
Thanks for stopping by my blog today and for your condolences for my family. (Your award is up now!)
Please let me know anytime I can donate a drawing by my Dad, ok?
Now, about your problem... you should try to do things like making snoring noises and stuff, then blame it on your Daddy, so that your mom kicks him out of bed. Let me know how that goes...
Love Clover xo
P.S. My cat cousin Milo swears by sleeping on pillows near the humans' heads. Maybe that would work, as a back up plan?

Anonymous said...

We is not sure but TT used to sleep up near the mom's head and that was always plenty of room fer her.

Sunny's Mommy said...

I don't know. Maybe sleep on his head?

Sparky said...

How's the body pillow working out? Do you use it to support your back or just to cuddle with? I often see them at Target and they look so comfy, but I just don't know what I'd do with it!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Pee on his side of the bed?

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Just before your daddy's bedtime, put a really good DVD on down in the mancave. After he's settled down to watch it (maybe with some tasty snacks?), lock the door to the mancave bahind him. Then he'll fall asleep down there while he's watching it, and he won't be able to get out! (P.S. You can let him out in the morning.)

Mickey's Musings said...

A well placed claw in the butt doesn't work??? heh,heh,heh
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Hansel said...

Blogroller was giffen us isses toos. :( we like the blogger ones.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I think woo and your mom should do a team snore?


Cory said...

My momma Ellie uses the technique of tongue baths on the man's head...moving to his eyelids. Works like a charm.

Tuck said...

I find that biting toes in the middle of the night works well in driving the humans out of bed.

Just Ducky said...

Good luck on moving the dad out of the bed. Mum will try to find some shiny ribbon to help Grampie with his crazy bird.

Motor Home Cats said...

Just sleep on top of the body pillow - that way you get the best of both worlds.

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Max said...

Dood. the Woman uses TWO body pillows...but since the Man sleeps during the day (and, frankly, in a whole other room) it's not an issue. We like to sleep on top of the body pillows, even though they're under the blankets.

I'm not sure how you can get your Dad out of the bed. It just kinda happened here, between his train-wreck snoring and her chronic pain, they just wound up in different rooms. So clearly, you must shove something up his nose to make him snore...

I'm getting fed up with Blogrolling, too...

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We found we could not get daddy outta da bed so we had mom move to her own room. She had no choice, daddy thrashes and snores and mom was tired of getting bruzes on her legs and back from dad kicking her. Oh, and mom's body pillow ended up on da back of da couch and it's now Sadies favorite bed.

Teddy Westlife said...

I think if you sleep on his belly and then dig your claws in he might move in a hurry.

Huffle Mawson

Monty Q. Kat said...

Um, MomBean is making me say 'try a pillow under the belly and one between the knees. And you can try a third behind the back so your hips stay level and even.'

I say a 3am ballwalk.