
Saturday Stuff and Gas

Things are OK here. We're behind in posting my video cause the firewire cord isn't working and we haven't gotten another yet.

Also, #2 aka Screamy McSreamerhead, Pooterhead, Boogerboy, Baby Joel has had awful gas

None of us has slept for 3 nights and the days were just as bad. He is on medicine now and started feeling better last night and has been quieter today. He isnt' colicy, just really bad gas. Hopefully we'll all feel better in a couple of days and we'll be back to posting.

I feel bad for the poor little guy...well I will after I get some sleep.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What is your mommy eating?

PeeEssWoo: Mom just showed the little sweethearts pikhs to my Doggy Nanny....she made THOSE noises humans do over those kind of pets!

The Island Cats said...

We hope little Joel can get some relief so you all can get some rest!

Nina Torbie said...

Oh, sleep is good! I'm sorry your little bother... I mean brother... is feeling poorly. Brothers can be disruptive.
Purrs and earplugs!

Cory said...

Ha ha, Screamy Mr. McScreamerhead!!!! Sorry for your ears buddy boy...get some rest.

Anonymous said...

We will be purr-aying that your house settles down soons.

Ivan from WMD said...

I feel for you, dude. Well, all of you, actually. I can't even stand it when Caroline screams!

Forever Foster said...

We hope poor old Screamy's tummy feels better soon, so you can all get some quality snoozing time.

Hendrix, welcome to the 'I have a pesky brother' club!

Love Suey.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, it doesn't sound like fun around your house right now. We hope little Joel feels better quickly and you all get some much-needed rest.

Reese =^..^= said...

Oh, goodness. I hope that poor little blurpy is feeling better. Has he grown any furs yet?

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

awww, hope Pooterhead passes some poots soon and feels better and you can get back to napping...

Sweet Purrfections said...

I hope things are better around your house soon.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I hope he quickly starts feeling better so you can all get some sleep!

Zeus said...

Poor Joel! Gas is no fun, no matter how old you are. I hope things turn around for him. Get some rest when you can. :)

Anonymous said...

Eeeeeeeeeee OMC! We 'member dems days. The mom had to stop eattin sum green stuff and coffee so dat our blurp did not get gassy. We is not sure which was worse - mom wif no coffee or a blurp dat screamed.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We hope little Joel's tummy starts feeling better so you all feel better.

Kaltsas Kats said...

We know the feeling of the screams of a gassy baby. Sometimes our brother farts soo loud we can't believe that something so small can make such a noise. Mom says that some of those toots hurt her butt just thinking about it. We hope it gets better soon. Interrupting the 22 hours of sleep a cat needs a day is no good.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are sorry that baby Joel has gas. Baby gas is so miserable for every one. We hope the medicine helps!

meemsnyc said...

Awwww, sorry the little one has gas.... Poor little guy.

Teddy Westlife said...

I had a friend who referred to her baby as She Who Screams Every Day with the Screaming. I laughed.

Hope he feels better soon though.

Huffle Mawson

Mickey's Musings said...

Sorry to hear about little Screamer!!
We hope the gas goes away soon too ;)
Maybe you can teach him how to pass gas,heehee
Guess now you have to catch up on your naps!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Quill and Greyson said...

Who knew gas was such a problem, passes here without indecent.

Just Ducky said...

Goodness, don't give the kid cooked cabbage, beans etc at his age. Poots galore!

Ariel BushyTales said...

Poor baby! That really stinks! No pun intended.

Simba and Jazzi said...

Hope things start to get better in your house soon.

Simba and Jazzi xx

Ariel said...

Hope little Joel feels better soon....Hugd

C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Uh oh, hope your little brother is feeling better soon. And then I hope he doesn't scream so much anymore and you can all get some rest.

Kimo and Sabi said...

Um, . . . do not light a match - just sayin'

Shilgiah the Cat said...

Poor little guy! Poor sleepless family! We hope your human bean baby's tummy troubles are better soon.

Hey Hendrix, is that why they are called "beans"? Cuz they get gases that make them smell like they ate a bunch of beans?

Baby Patches said...

Sorry about da gas and no sleeps efurryone. I hopes you all gets rest and feelings better.


Baby Patches

Jans Funny Farm said...

We hope that with baby Joel keeping the folks awake, Bendrix is behaving himself!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Hendrix,
Thanks for stopping by our blog. We scan through some of your past post to learn about Joel William, the dad and the mom. We are big Save The Ta-Ta's fans. WE're pretty sure that's a lot like I Love Bobbies. You have a great looking family. It is a pleasure to meet y'all.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Thanks for stopping bu and looking at Mom's Lovie's. Yes she makes cats. If you want more info, email me at nannanb69 at hot mail dot com

Sherkhan said...

Thank you for your kind comment on my blog, Hendrix!

You have a very nice blog and Mama is adding it to our reader because she'd like to read it regularly :)

I hope your human brother is feeling better now.

