Last year the village was stuck in the dining room where it was fenced away from the stinky boy and any damage he would have done (not I said WOULD have done).
Now, this year, mommy has been uber tired so she decided to "trim down" the decorating. My village is a pale shadow of it's former self but still, I was very excited to see my minions back. Bendrix is so ready to start ordering them into mischief.
We were very excited that mommy said she was going to get a new piece to make up for having to leave so many boxed up. What would it be????? Then we saw it....
That's right. She got a VET's OFFICE! I don't even know what to say...except thank Bast it is a doggie in the window being treated.
I think the only Christmas present she'll get from me is a hairball on her pillow in at 2am. There is a word for people like her, but this is a "clean blog." Bendrix says it starts with a "B"
a Beauty? A Babe? We are glad you got part of your village back.
Isn't this supposed to be a fantasy village? The type with only good, happy things in it? Having a vet clinic there is so wrong!!
Man--that is just so wrong. I think you should make your minions make the vet give shots to all the humans!
There is NOTHING that says merry hohoho where a stabby place is concerned, even it if doesn't come with a real live stabby guy. You need to jump up there and pee on it.
We love your village....but a vet clinic? Seriously? Your mom needs help. 'Cause that's just mean!
Maybe the vet clinic is just a Chrissymouse hope that we are all healthy in the coming year.
And don't need the clinic.
It's just for dogs???
Bungling Boob? That's our guess.
AND, we think you need to barf on the vet's office--live the dream, Mr. Hendrix!
A vet in YOUR village? And in plain sight! At least in our town, they are (rightfully) hidden away on back streets...
I like Max's suggestion...but, really, you know, the new place made me laugh a lot. Sorry, Hendrix, I couldn't help it.
Well, just think, Hendrix...that vet office is part of your minions! You can laud over them!!
We are so happy to see your Christmas village even though it's smaller. It's just not Christmas without you and your village, Mr. H!
We know what Bendrix would do . . .
We say just give it the back of disrespect, Hendrix
Laura and Taffy
I think Bendrix needs a little help with his "Christmas Spirit"!
Love the village. The mom had me take a good look and especially notice how you are not knocking anything down. This will be my third Christmas with the folks here and she still hasn't put her village out yet. She says that she doesn't trust me. Guess she knows me better than I thought.
Thanks so much for your kind words when Opus, my sweet nephew, had to be helped to the bridge last week. It meant a lot to me and my family to hear from you.
Giggles!!! I bet she thought you would like that, huh? Humans are so silly sometimes!!
Forget all the negetive comments. I have been looking for a vet office for my village and can't find one. Where did you get it? My girl friend is a vet-tech.
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