
Thursday - Great Photos

Today, Sept. 13th is my beans fourth wedding anniversary. Mommy is getting her shots in her back/tush in the morning (so we're posting Weds. night). She thinks it is funny she is getting "3 shots in the butt" on her anniversary. She is going to ask for one more to represent each year. Daddy doesn't think that is funny at all. Bendrix does. What'd you get for your anniversary Mommy? A shot in the tushy!

The dress is the one my grandma wore when she married my grandpa in 1973! Mommy had to lose lotsa weight to fit in it cause it couldn't be altered. The first thing she did when they got to the all inclusive hotel on their honeymoon was hit the buffet!

The fantastic artists Maggy & Zoey over at Zoolatry made me this great picture! I think it suits me perfectly.

Aren't they talented?!?
They did another PAWSOME one too, but I'm going to wait until Game Day Sunday to post that. You'll see why then. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Bengals are awesome! Who Dey!


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary to them!

Ivan from WMD said...

Happy anniversary to your mommy and daddy! I think the fourth year gift is nip, isn't it?

P.S. I haven't forgotten about the award you gave me (thank you!)--I'll be doing it soon.

Anonymous said...

That is absolutely awesome what they did with your photo!

Happy anniversary to your humans!

Poppy Q said...

Happy Anniversary Mr hendrix/bendrix mom and dad. They sure look all swish and swanky in their wedding outfits.

Hope they had flowers and good food to celebrate.

Mickey's Musings said...

Happy Anniversary to your Mom& Dad!
I don't think I want any shots anywhere on my body. Food looks good,I might have tocome over & help you eat it,heehee

Daisy said...

Happy Anniversary! Your mom and dad are a very cute couple, and I love the wedding dress.

The Furry Kids said...

Happy Anniversary to your mom and dad!!! That wedding dress is as old as our mom. Hahahahaha!
We liked the picture of you, too. Those girls are really talented.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy Annie Versery to yer Beans.
That's a furry purrty dress.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Wonderful wedding photos! Happy Anniversary to your mom and dad! :)


Happy anniversary to both your beans. That is wonderful and those pictures are really good of the two of them. Your Mom was really purrty in her white gown.

We loved the picture of you. IT was great.


Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

Happy Anniversary!! That is so cool that your Mommy got to wear her Mommy's dress! Our Mommy & Daddy are getting married at the end of October, but she had to buy a new dress because she is 8 inches taller and mumble mumble pounds heavier than her Mommy. She is also 4 years older than your dress.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Happy Anniversary to yoor mom and dad! Yoor mom is lovely in dat dress!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Happy anniversary beans! Yer momma shouldn't complain...lots of werse things happen at da V-E-T!

Anonymous said...

Very nice wedding pictures ! and the picture is wonderful !

zevo hussein calamari said...

haapy anniversary! love the photos!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary to your mom and dad! They both look so happy in the pictures.

We really love the picture of you with all the food (*drool*).

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Oh happy anniversary to your humans! I have to say, your humans look very nice and very efficient. I love your picture from mag and Zoe too xx

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary to your Mum & Dad! Too bad your Mum has to get shots on such a special day, especially in her bum.

I love your Mum's dress, it is very delicate looking.

Anonymous said...

Oh Hendrix, Congratulations to your beans! They look so nice in their pictures. William is right, the appropriate gift would be nip. The Tiny Boy knows his etiquitte.

Samantha & Mom said...

Happy Anniversary to your Mom and Dad!! We love the picture Maggy and Zoey did for you!! It's great!
Your FL furiends,

Number 1 Man Dog said...

Happy Anniversary ,only one thing missing in the picture,,,,,,,YOU Mr Hendrix

Forty Paws said...

Happy Belated Anniversary to your beans! That's a beeyoutiful dress that your grandma wore!

Luf, Us

Sasha said...

Wow, what a photo. Your humans look very nice.