Thirteen things I'm thankful for this week:
1. I'm thankful that the VET gassed me at my appnt Monday so he could check me out really good, and Bendrix got to hang out with the pink hippos. I am sad Bendrix didn't get to scratch anyone tho.
2. I'm glad I'm not sneezing as much. Snot is not as much fun when you don't mean to snarf on stuff.
3. I'm glad I have my mommy and daddy who are spoiling me, and complimenting my handsomeness and braveness and smartness while I recover.
4. I'm glad for fans. It is so humid and hot here that the fans make me feel better all around even with the a/c.
5. I'm thankful that I felt well enough to bat around the cool glow ball that Queen Snickers and Empress sent me for a Swap N Tails gift.
6. I'm glad I felt well enough to watch the birdies out the window for a bit before napping again.
7. I'm glad for comfy napping spots while I recover, like the bed, sofa and soft carpets.
8. I'm glad I found a new way to keep mommy up at night. I'm not sleeping on the bed at night right now so mommy keeps getting up to check on me. It makes me laugh and humor is supposed to heal right?
9. I'm glad my litter box gets scooped every day since the "loose stool" started last night and I am a very tidy kitty.
10. I'm thankful mommy has a nice boss that let her stay home with me the last couple days (and leave early Monday) to take care of me.
11. I'm glad daddy takes time to lay on the floor with me and rub my shoulders while I get better and tells me what a good Mancat I am.
12. I'm glad I get extra stinky goodness to settle my tummy after getting the evil liquid anty-biotik shot down my throat!
13. I'm very very thankful to have such good blogging friends. I'm sure that all the positive purrs and prayers have made a big difference in my recovery. We will be around to thank all of you individually over the next few days.
Daddy and mommy are leaky that so many beans and fuzzies care about me. I hope to make a complete, no sneezing & wanting to play lots, recovery in a couple of days. Right now I get sleepy quick. Not lethargic, just sleepy.
I am being watched closely by my beans as I recover and am getting all my medicine no matter how much I fight. Yuck. My beans are planning on spending the whole weekend cuddling and lovin on my as much as I'll let them. I like the sound of that.
Maybe I'll even let them get some sleep. I haven't decided, but they are pretty tired cause of worrying about me.
I think I may telyport over to wish Samantha and the new Mancats, Sol, Smokey & BJ a happy birthday today since I'm feeling better.
It is very gracious of you to be so thankful. We are very happy you're doing well.
Oh Mr Hendrix
We are ever so happy that you are feeling better and better...continue on your way to good health.
Hope you keep feeling better. You have such a positive attitude--that's makes a big difference in healing.
love & wags,
You better get well soon, Hendrix! Ivy is busy thinking of ways to impress you and Bendrix, so you have to feel well enough to enjoy them.
Seriously, man, we are all worried about you. Get all better soon, ok?
Hendrix, we are thankful to haf such a wonderful furriend like you, and we is purring that you will be all way better quick like
Ah, of course we care about you, Hendrix! And Bendrix, too. I am glad that you are getting better.
We are very happy to see you feeling better Hendrix!
Sounds like a good weekend ahead!
~ KittyBoy
Hendrix we iz soooo very glad you iz doing better and you've got such caring humans ~ sending you all lots of purrs ~ get well real soon :)
I hopes you feel much much better soon! Purrs...
We're thankful that you are taking your medicine and that you are just a little sleepy. Resting is good for getting better.
Keep it up my friend!
I am thankful that you feel a bit better. Is your Mom and Dad laffin and laffin and laffin since the loose stools started : ) I know Bendrix and Hellie think it is funny.
Be well sweet friend.
i am glad you is feeling better mr hendrix. come to my bloggie and check out pictures of our fishies. I wish we could be allowed to eat them. if we did we would share with you!
Your Mum and Dad are doing a great job of looking after you Hendrix. So you make sure you take all your medicines and keep on restin' n' snugglin' :)
We are glad you are feeling better! Keep improving!
Mr Hendrix i hope u hurry upp and get better so our bean qute worreing about u her miss u to her drink mint te her sey we cant do it i fink u cute MUS
Your Mommy and Daddy are taking such good care of you. I think you should allow them to sleep in a few days. Then it can be Bendrix' turn to wake them up :-D
I'm glad you're continuing to get better.
Oh, good, Mr. H. Keep getting better!
And enjoy every moment of the pampering.
We're glad to hear that your are on the mend Hendrix. And by the sounds of your T13 it's almost fun being sick!
Dearest Hendrix!
I did not know that you had been sick. I have found out in the Pet Prayer and Praiser Blog just now.
We are so happy that you feel better. Take care very much you and your mom. We send many purring and kisses to you.
we're furry glad you're getting better, and your humans plans for the weekend sound purrrrrfect!
Sorry! In spanish for you ;-)
¡Querido Hendrix!
No sabía que habías estado enfermo. Me he enterado en el "Pet Prayer and Praiser Blog" ahora mismo.
Nos alegra mucho que estés mucho mejor. Cuidaros mucho tú y tu mamá.
Os enviamos muchos ronroneos y besos.
Woot!!! I am happy you are feeling well enough to party King Hendrix!
Purrs Mickey
Dea Mr. Hendrix,
I really hope you are feeling better soon. I know how yucky medicine is because they forced me to eat some when I first arrived, and it tasted so bad that I foamed at the mouth after.
You should stop by and play at my blog, my lazy mom finally got around to typing my answers to your meme for me!
Abby Normal
we hopes you continues to get better, buddy(ies);-)
purrin' an' purrrayin' for you--
nels, ed, nitro, & xing
We are so glad to hear that you are starting to feel better Mr. Hendrix. We'll continue to purr and pray for your full recovery!
You are a very special kitty, Mr. Hendrix and you have special people. That is why we love you all so and are sending kitty and people head butts and purrs!
Purrs, purrs, and paws, Halloween and her people
So glad that you're feeling better! Too bad about the goo getting shot down your throat, though.
What a wonderful post. I hope you are doing much better by the weekend and you can enjoy your mom and dad at home.
Oh honey, we are so sorry that you have been sick! I'm sure your mom and dad are thankful that you are on the mend. My kitties and I will send more Purrs and Prayers your way!
Lorianna and Cody, Cricket, Billie and Toeshee
Glad you're feeling better every day, my friend.
We're very thankful that you are feeling better. We hope you feel even better soon.
We are so glad you are getting better everyday Mr. Hendrix! We loved your T13! Thanks for stopping by my birthday party! (Sam)
Your FL furiends,
Medicine sux, doesn't it? You should whine a little when they make you take it, and maybe they'll give you crunchy treats to ease their guilt.
Those are all fery good thinks ta be thankful fer Mr Hendrix! I know...
That is a nice post. You have a lot to be thenkful for.
Simba x
It's great to hear that you're feeling better, Mr. H. Take all the time you need to get back to normal, and let your humans do everything for you.
Oh dude! We just got caught-up on your crap-ified week - we're so sorry to hear that you're sicky!
All 3 of us (and Buzzy) know 'bout the extra-long anti-biotics 'cause of the cruddy FIV+ thing ... it stinks but it's good to be careful.
Our mom is super interested in the immune stimulator - our vet has never mentioned that. One of us always gets sicky when our people travel or we get stressed.
Rest up buddy & enjoy all the extra attention - it'll make your peeps feel better if ya let 'em spoil ya a little bit!
Hendrix! I am thankful that you are getting better, and SO sorry that I was not here when you needed me! My mom is being a terrible blog helper. I hope everything goes back to normal for you soon!
Love Clover xo
That's great news that you're feeling better. And that the beans are treating you so well, too!
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