I have party hats and noisemakers for everyone and salmon flavored cake.

For the grown kitties, I have tons of drinks behind the bar including blue toona gizzys.

For the Minicats who came, I have fresh milk and plenty of chicken, and tuna flavored cookies.

Anyone who'd like should enjoy the many seafood trays of food and ham.

And for Miles, a fine house trasher and ceiling walker, a ham just for you!!

I have dog bones and toys for my woofie friends.

And for my veggie bun friends...This looks so good I might try it

And, lets not forget the House Trashin' friends. This is one House Trashin we won't be cleaning up after before the beans come home. Don't worry, my grandbeans will come, scoop, refill the snack and not tattle at all. We have an understanding since I was abandoned on my birthday after all....

Now, I know we don't have thumbs, but kitties, if we put our paws together, we can surely make good use of these tools to dismantle things around the house.
Yay! Who wants to party? us!!!
WOOT!!!! What a perfect day for house trashing!!!!!!!!! CHARGE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here I come!!
Purrs Mickey
Oh, this is great, Mr.Hendrix. Over a week long par-tay.
And lookie at all them goodies. Yum.
We's all here, reepurrting fur house trashing duty.
KC & Crew
We're here, we're hyper, let's get this party STARTED!!!!!! WOOHOOOO!!!
Oh Hendrix, I hope I can come over to help! I love those bones and I love making messes!
Love Clover xo
What a wonderful party !!
For the first time in 33 years I had 8 little devils, pumpkins and witches ringing at my door ! Fortunately I had bought sweets. Halloween is coming to Brussels and my poor cats were horrified, lol !
WoW! How fabulous! Let's get this party started!
Happy Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Bendrix.
Ooops.... sorry.
Happy Birthday Hendrix.
So, Miles gets ALL the ham?
HaPPY Purrthday Hendrix!
Where's the broom, we want to destroy the broom, destroy the broom!!!
Wow this is gonna be a sweet week. Happy Birthday Hendrix now in case I forget in my nip induced haze later.
We gots the bean litter box paper covered! We loves to tear dat up!!
I brought a carton of paper towels. Anyone care to join me for a bit of art work?
Faith "Boom Boom" Boomerang
An i's bringed tha box of voles.
Hee hee, these guys come wif me to effurry party, they's starting to look forward to it.
:: opens box, maniacal voles leap out and scatter, laughing happily ::
There they go, tha chase is on!!!
Oh, yay - I am SO in need of a good house trashing ... since ours is already as trashed as it can get!
Hendrix, thank you and your mommy so much for your order in our special sale to help Beau and Moki and Callie. You are a dear friend!
We're ready to party and trash the place! Ellie is so happy to see that you have some salad for her! Let the trashing begin!
Is your purrthday Mr Hendrix?
Only a small detail is absent: where is the catnip? Muahahahahaha!!
Wow! Look at all that food! Think I'll have a snack to get my strength up for house trashing!
*nom nom nom nom nom nom*
Wooooohoooooo, we're here!
Buddy, find the ceiling fans. Sam look for the big heavy items up high you can swat down. Merci, find the silverware drawer and start hiding it.
We cats can help shred paper or furniture, track litter, hack hairballs .... whatever you need, we're ready to roll.
This should be fun!
OOOLLEREEEE I iz here never fear, lock up your girlies coz I iz near!!!
I will keep your lady guests "occupied", but Mushka will be in another room she is a little shy, but she wants to celebrate withz you too!! :))
Happy Happy Birthday to you!!!!!!!
Wish you always happy and healthy~!
Happy Birthday, Mr Hendrix!
Are extending the house trashing all weekend?
Happy Birthday Mr. Hendrix and now let's get right to it!
Mrs. OZ will do the stinky yukky stain making hairballs she is so good at making!
Tintin has the sharpest claws you can imagine!!! He will shred all furniture. An the curtains!
And I love to break things - glasses, ceramics, expansive sculptures maybe? Her I come!!!!
Hendrix, we will DEFINITELY be over to help you celebrate your Birthday, that's for sure! We hope you have an extra pillow we can crash on after we drink the blue tuna gizzys ... hee hee! See you at the party furriend!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Happy 5th Birthday!!! I'll help myself to a tuna gizzy, then I must find knick knacks to whap.
Oh man, I'm late!!!! Is there any food left? Did I miss opening of presents? The strippers???? I MISS EVERYTHING!
I hope you had a great one, doood!
We are late ... hope you still have some of that yummy food left!
Ooops...we missed it. We hope you had a very Happy Birthday Mr.Hendrix! Looks like you had lots of fun stuff to party with.
Love and belated birthday wishes,
Harry, Polly, Buddy, and Tigger
Happy Birthday for Tuesday Hendrix!
I've got this box of 12 live mice here, OOOPS! just dropped it, of dear there's mice running everywhere!
Perhaps some cats might like to catch them?
ohhhh i missed it :(
Do not tell me I have missed the house trashing just because the Woman was sick?! I hope you had a lot of fun.
Happy Birthday, Hendrix! We are sorry your mommy and daddy aren't around to celebrate, but we are very happy to party and celebrate your bday with you!!
~Donny, Marie, Casey
Happy Birfday!!!! I can'ts belleve we missed dis evfent. Could I still wreak a itty bitty havoc??? I could shred da toilet paper if you like.
Dr Tweety
Oh, Hendrix, I'm so so sorry I missed your birthday! I hope it was great--it sure looks like you had quite the spread!
Meow Meow Mr Hendrix
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Dear Mr Hendrix
Happy Birthday to you!
Mama, MrSippi and Carolina
We are so ready to help you trash the house Mr. Hendrix!! Got any curtains? A nice sink to overflow!! We are here!
Your FL furiends,
Dropping by to say hello. Hope you had a good weekend.
Simba x
Dude, talk about stupid beans. My Mommy did not turn on the computer and I was unaware you were having this big birthday house trashing party!
So, Happy Birthday, Hendrix! I'm going to see if there's any thing left to be knocked over and broken.
Happy 6th Birthday! We love yur house
trashing party! We almost didn't make it, cuz somethin' new is happening our my house! The goodies
look delicious! Lots of ♥♥♥♥ from
Spooky Do, Daisy, Aniwa & Shadow
and Jewelgirl Too!!!!!!!!
We are so bummed that we missed the house trashing party. Sounds like all you kitties had a blast!
~The Creek Cats~
First off, Happiest of Happy Purrthdays to you Mr. Hendrix!
Now on to the important stuff - trash the house! We brought a bunch of dried leaves to chase and acorns too (those will be great when your beans step on them in bare feet :-). And of course we brought some more nip - you never know when you're gonna need a bit more!
Sorry...I ate what was left...
Happy Birthday Mr. Hendrix. It looks like quite a spread. We are sorry we are a couple of days late, but Mom wasn't around much this weekend to help us type. We hope you have the best birthday you can without your beans around.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
.... hi, anyone heres?
Is tha party still going on?
:: wow, this place be trashed! ::
Oh, look, real live dead chicken. Yum.... nom nom nom nom.....
Wow!!! It has been a couple of days but the place is still rawkin'!!!!! I had a hard time finding some shrews so I brought over some Lobster for everyone.
We can have some fun hiding the claws in your moms bed!!!!!!!!!
Hey Mr. H. ol' buddy! thought I'd just stop by for a while and leave some nice white and orange furs for your Beans.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Happy 6th Birthday! Sorry I missed the celebration!
Purring for peace...
--Jasper, Josie, Huggy Bear and Maggie
Okay, it took us awhile to get over here but here we are...Happy Purrthday, again, let the fun begin...or continue...whatever.
Oh man, we're late!! Sorry Hendrix, we're catching up on our visiting, but TCB says your party will last 2 more days, so I hope there's something left for us to trash. How's the TP supply? I could do a nice art piece on the upholstered furniture.
Sorry I missed you birthday. HOpe you had a good one!
We are having such fun at your House Trashing Birthday Extravaganza Mr. Hendrix!! Your Mom will be sooooo happy to see you when she gets home! Do you need help cleaning up?
Happy Birthday, Mr. Hendrix!! We are very late to the party, but hopefully there is still some damage we could do??
Hugs & Purrs,
Sammy, Festus & Emma
Happy Purthday Mr. Hendrix! Sorry we missed the party. It looked awesome!
Sorry for eating all of the HAM!!!
BURP! 'scuse me...
That's a great pawtay you have arranged Hendrix. Snow, Leo n Fairy are on their way. We iz sure you hoomans will realize their mistake when they return and see the house!
Whoohooo! We finally made it to the party! Happy Purrthday, Hendrix! Now let us at that food table! Is there anything left to trash??!?
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Great Party, Hendrix!! Glad we finally made it!
Just popping back to check there is nothing untrashed.
*spies a set of curtains unripped*
SHRED RIP CLAW TEAR there, much better.
Oooh we have a blog now too!
Whicky Wuudler
WooHoo! This must be the house trashing to end them all. We're glad we got our claws well sharpened, they made good work on the curtains.
we are here. We are starved, Mom put us on yucky Diet foos. So after we fuel up were will tear up the house
Mr. Hendrix, We want to thank you for having us all over for your birthday and house trashing party. We really enjoyed ... hic ... ourselves. If you panic and change your mind, just holler .... burp .... and we'll come help you put the house back together ... incoming hairball ... before your folks get home.
Dood. We haf bin haffin SO MUCH FUN! What a PAR-TAY! Whoo Hoo! Par-Tay!!! Par-Tay!!! Par-Tay!!!
Tons of fun!
Luf, All of Us
We are back for more partying....pass the nip!
~Maggie May and The Creek Cats~
Ah this is an excellent extravaganza!
I think your human might be a tad annoyed with me. I just did a royal poo in the bedroom. I also crept into the closet, rolled around and deposited fur all over the clean clothes.
I threw up some grass in the kitchen too.
We's back... all six of us. Is there any last minute touches we can puts on tha house :: looking around at mass destruction ::
Hmmm, maybe not!
BTW, where's tha furniture, Mr. Hendrix??? That's not it all shredded in little piles....?
Happy Birthday, Mr Hendrix! We heard you had a party here and lots of good foods and fun things to do. Sniffie starts whapping things to the floor, Ellie and Allie each choose a piece of furniture to scratch...Tamir heads for the ham!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
I heard your par-tay was coming to an end, so I decided to drop by and TP the place!! Yay!
We are so ready to help you finish trashing the house before your Mom comes home!! This has been lots of fun Mr. Hendrix!!!
Your FL furiends,
hey, sweetie. I'm over in the corner waiting to snuggle whenever you want to take a break.
This dumb blogger still thinks I am Mystery, but it's your brandi candi
Am I too late? Is there anything left untrashed at this point???
I'm ready and willing! :)
P.S. Happy Birthday!
I gotta get back MoMo is picking me up soon.. It's been great fun Mr Hendrix, or is it Bendrix?
Gee Whiz !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think your folks will need to build a new house!!!! Hahahahahahahaha We cats did an outstanding job :)
THat's a heck of a way to celebrate your birthday !!! WOOT
Purrs Mickey
Hey now, Mr. H.... I'm so sorry I couldn't drop by on the 3rd to wish you a happy gotcha day, but my human's really been out of it lately. It looks as though you had a real fun party! Here's wishing you many more gotcha day celebrations, from me and all us Good Cats!
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