
My New Friend

Guess what my Uncle Kevin, Aunt Erin and Bean Cousin Karissa got ME for my mommy's birthday. A new friend!

She may not be pretty, and she is quite chatty, but she keeps my company while my beans are away. She hasn't told me her name yet. ANy ideas of what her name should be???

I'm not sure about that "tail of cat" she wants, but as long as she stays in the bubble I won't worry to much. After all, Bendrix could take a big giant head on. Unless she tries to "bite his legs off!" ha ha ha


Anonymous said...

Ooooh, creepy!! That reminds Mom of the Crystal Ball lady in the Haunted House at Disney World!

Maggie May said...

We is scared of her!!!!
~Maggie May and The Creek Cats~

Maggie May said...

We didn't know you were FIV+! I am too, I am Rambler. I am very healthy and have only lived in the house on the creek since March of this year, before that I was a feral. Of course, I have my own suite and have not met the other kitties. I love being on my own though. I eat very healthy foods, Innova Evo and my mommy is looking into a good vitamin or antioxidant for me. Do you take anything special to boost your immune system? It is nice to find someone else who has this condition.

Daisy said...

Oh, she talks? I am a little bit scairt of her, too. Her name might be Cruella. But I am not sure.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Kind of ugly, isn't she? Does she cackle?

Unknown said...

Oh my.....that head is rather scairty! I would have to have Hellie deal with her, I would be too scairt!

I would call her Crystal Ball Witch Lady - "What Mum?" Oh, my Mum says that is a dumb name, oh well.

The Island Cats said...

Hendrix...we're staying clear of her!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

What an interesting friend you have made..

Anonymous said...

The mom wants one she said! We fink her name is Esmeralda!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Your new friend is very scary :-0

The Meezers or Billy said...

ooo hagatha!!!

reminds us of our mom.............

muffinmidi said...

Be very careful that Bendrix doesn't hurt your new friend.

Parker said...


Evergreen loves Kilroy said...

I hate to be rude, Mr. Hendrix, but your friend's kinda ugly. Does she at least tell good stories?

My Littel Island said...

ahahahah her look like our bean name her LOA

Quill and Greyson said...

Madam Scary Face

Cory said...

Call her Witch Hazel! Ha!

Sweet Purrfections said...

I am not so sure I like that witchy lady in a globe. Be careful she doesn't want to put you in an oven.

Max said...

Is that Broom Hilda?

I hope she's got personality, 'cause she's gonna need it.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah My God~!
That is very creepy!!!

Anonymous said...

I think she looks like an Ethel..
Oh wow it is cool though!! and even cooler that it talks.. as long as it does not get personal and all...

Now where can I find a hooman head.. it's a start :P


Simba and Jazzi said...

I'm not sure I'd want to chat with the scary head!

Simba x

Karen Jo said...

Your new friend is a bit scary looking. I am glad that she talks to you and keeps you company while your beans are away. I can't seem to come up with a good name for her.

Puss-in-Boots said...

A name, eh? How 'bout Witchypoo?

Ailurophile said...

We can see you iz excited to meet your new friend. Let's hope Bendrix doesn't whap her off the table..

Anonymous said...

EEEEKKKKK! I sure hope she stays in the glass thingy. She's scarey!

PB 'n J said...

Hee hee - bite his legs off - yay for Monty Python!

She looks a bit scary, but if you like her then we do to!

Scout said...

She gives me a dinosaur ridge on my back and makes me do the sideways hop! She is skairty if you ask me!

I suggest Hekate, the Greek myth name of the goddess of witchcraft.


Tesla and Hansel said...

I think her name should be Ezmeralda.

Or something simple, like creepy sue? hahahah

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Whatever you do, do not let Bendrix break that glass ball. Bubble-witch is really cool in the bubble, but she would be way too skeery if she got out of that bubble.

Just Ducky said...

Creepy thing you got there Hendrix.

Anonymous said...

I think we are scairt of her because she is just a head! Where is the rest of her?

Thoughts said...

She is vewy scawy to us hendrix. Were not sure about her. And she wants a cat tail? We would stay vigilant around her Hendrix.

My Two Best Friends said...

Meow Meow Mr Hendrix

Wow - A scary head inside of a ball? And she talks to you??? What exactly is she telling you??
Mama, MrSippi and Carolina