
Not so Wordless Wednesday

The most wonderful thing happened yesterday! Mommy went out to get the mail, and when she came back in, I smelled angels and sweetness. I had a package from my sweet lady cat Brandi! Just because!

She sent a very sweet card with a cute ghost and pumpkins on it. I won't read it all, but it starts "To Someone Very Special..." *blush*

Brandi and her thoughtful mommy Carol sent my mommy two of the cutest towels. Mommy hung them up right away.

They put two fun soft bitey mice in too!! Here is a great picture of me playing with my daddy. Can you see how much I loooooooooooove them??

Thank you, thank you, thank you sweet Brandi. You're the greatest girlfriend cat anyone could ever ask for!

Mommy wants me to ask if any of your beans have ever sold anything on Craig's List or Ebay. She needs a little extra money and has some collectables she wants to sell. Any tips or suggestions are appreciated.

Sending smoochies to my sweet Brandi.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo must be khwite the charmer!


Felix, Garfield & Jawsy said...

The towels are really purrty and it's got ur handsome face on it!
Are u visualizing the taste of that mousie, Mr. Hendrix? haha

Maggie May said...

Wow! That was very nice of your special cat friend Brandi!! Nice gifts!
~The Creek Cats~


*woo hoo*
Mr Hendrix dat wuz a furry nice surprise Miss Brandi sure is a sweet girl...


Purrageous Pirates said...

Oh our Baast! Hendrix, we have the exact same towels hanging from our hot box too!! How weird!! Great gifts from your sweetie!!

Purrageous Pirates said...

PS: Mommy says to say that Daddy sells stuff on Ebay all the time for work so let us know if you need any help.

Anonymous said...

Hendrix dats sum great mice yoo gots! Did they smell like Brandi?

The Island Cats said...

Hendrix, you are very lucky to get a package in the mail! Those towels are pawsome and the mousies...what more can we say??

Wally, Ernie & Zoey

pee ess. our beans have sold stuff on ebay and craigs list. it's purrty easy they say...

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh those are great towels.

Ebay or Craigslist: we like Craigslist as people come get stuff and pay us directly in cash (no paypal fees and no ebay fees). However if not a lot of people collect your items, then we'd say ebay is the way to go (but be very sure you know how much your postage will be and charge that accordingly) because you will have more buyers who would pay more.

Anonymous said...

We love your Halloween towels! It was very nice of Brandi to put her smells on everything for you!

Daisy said...

Look at you smacking your lips in anticipation of that mousie!

Anonymous said...

We really like the picture of you and your Dad! Brandi was very sweet to send you a card and presents!

Our Mom only buys stuff on ebay but she has never sold anything there. She collects Portmerion Botanic Garden stuff.

Team Tabby said...

What cute towels, Mr. Hendrix, and your sweetheart put in some catnip mousies - awesome!

Moe, Mindy, Bono

PB 'n J said...

What a pawesome Lady Cat you have Hendrix! That's a nice present!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Brandi is a great girlfriend cat :-D

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Brandi and her mom are so sweet, she haf good taste in mancats too. Our dad sells stuff on Ebay alla time and if he can do it den anyone can. It's takes him about 10 times longer to write his description den a normal person cuz he's a furry poor typist. He types wif one finger but yoo would think after all dis time he'd at least amember where da letters is on da keyboard *snicker*.

Forty Paws said...

Oh those are lufferly towels! And mice too! How wonderful is Brandi!!!

You can email our Maw and she can answer some questions about ebay stuff. She has sold a few items on there from time to time.

Luf, Us

Us4 Cats said...

great photos.

are those towels staring at you?

so cute.


Cory said...

We love getting presents too! Looks like you got fun stuff.

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Great presents from your girl. Can't help with online selling advice, I'm afraid. Good idea, though.

Anonymous said...

It's always good to get a surprise package in the mail from a friend!

Motor Home Cats said...

That was so sweet of Brandi and her mama. Those are very cute towels and the mice look like lots of fun.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Ivan from WMD said...

Aw, how sweet of Brandi and her mom, Hendrix!!

My mom tried to sell her old car on Craig's List once but got too many weirdos responding so she pulled the ad. (Putting in 'serious inquiries only' might help, but you never know.) I tried to sell Russell on Ebay once but Mom got mad so I didn't--I was only kidding anyway. And she's only gone on periodic buying binges. So we're not a whole lot of help!

Quill and Greyson said...

Oh you look very cute with the bitey mouse and your Daddy. We posted stuff on both but didn't actually sell anything.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you like everything. Hope your mama doesn't mind a few cat hairs on the towels. I put my smell on them.

And I am glad you like the mousies. They're like us, black and grey. You have such a nice daddy to play with them with you.

It's not much, but because you have the Halloween Village, I thought you would like them. And the black Halloween kitty is sweet. Not scary.

Nose kisses...brandi

Clover said...

Oh Hendrix, your girlfriend is very thoughtful! Those are adorable towels, and I can see that you love your soft bitey mice!
Love Clover xo

Ana said...

Wow, Brandi is very nice with you, those are great presents for you and your Mommy!

Thoughts said...

Wow Hendrix you are SO lucky. You got a girlfriend and presents and you got your mom a present.

We love the picture of your with your tongue out! MOL!

PS - Our bean just loves the photo you entered in our contest!

Theodore and Sasha

Chancy, Jake, Babe and Ernies Voice said...

Your new towels are sooooooooo pretty! You are very lucky to have such a nice friend.

Don't forget to stop by and read...
The mystery toilet guest!...Part Two

(((HUGS)))Chancy, Jake, Babe and Ernie's Voice

Anonymous said...

They are some zsexy looking towels!
IT is good to have a girlfriend that knows how to keep your home looking beautiful:)


SophieKitty said...

That was nice of Brandi. You two make a good couple.

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

It must be love if she's sending you mice.

Ailurophile said...

Many congrats Hendrix on your presents - you seem to approve of them!

Be a little careful before selling anything on ebay ;)


Simba and Jazzi said...

What nice gifts, you have very thoughtful friends.

Simba x

Anita said...

Your gilfriend are adorable! I love your towels!

¡Tu novia es encantadora! ¡Me encantan tus toallas!

My Two Best Friends said...

Meow Meow Mr Hendrix

Mice!! They look great! You look very very happy!

Mama, MrSippi and Carolina