
Special Sunday

Today is a very special Sunday. On ABC tonight, the Extreme Makeover Home Edition that was filmed right here in West Chester, Ohio airs! This family lives 1 mile from my grandbeans and 2 miles from mommy's work! Very very close.

You can read all about them in my original post HERE on my July 15th post. Mommy went and watched the house be built and said it was sooooooo cool. If they ever come to your town, be sure to go!

Mommy's friend Annette took the day off work in July for "Move that Bus" day and since she was right by the rope where the family was during the big reveal, she'll be on TV. Mommy is going to her Extreme Makeover party tonight.

Many purrs to the The Akers family!!!!

PS Mommy promises to get some pictures of me up soon, and help me visit more this week. Her big big project is due Tuesday and then the other big project by the end of the week.


Maggie May said...

How exciting! We love that show!
~Maggie May and The Creek Cats~

Fat Eric said...

That sounds furry exciting! We don't have that show here in the UK, otherwise we would watch it to see your neighbour!

My mum says her only claim to fame at the moment is that in her new class at school is a girl whose grandma was on Big Brother on TV here last year...

Anonymous said...

The mom gets all leaky eyed when she watches dat show. hehe

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh that's very exciting!

Lux said...

How cool! I can see why you're excited ...

Kimo and Sabi said...

WOWY - that is cool! We hadded one of them houses built fer da show near us too!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

That sounds very exciting. That show does such nice things for people.

My Two Best Friends said...

Meow Meow Mr Hendrix
How very very exciting! We can't wait to watch the TV show and look forward to seeing more pictures of you!!!!

Mama, MrSippi and Carolina

PB 'n J said...

That is super cool!

We also wanted to say thanks for your kind thoughts about our Granddaddy, it meant a lot to our Mommy.

Zoe and Indy said...

Hey that is so cool we are watching it right now. We love this show!

Indy, Zoe, Georgia

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We watched it, we love what dey do fur deserving famblies.

Motor Home Cats said...

Congrats to the family. Mom used to watch the show a lot but hasn't in a while. We think she needs to start again.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Max said...

Awesomeness. They were here a couple years ago but the Woman didn't get to go watch anything. And then she missed seeing it on TV. She was not happy.

We watched it tonight, though! That was an awesome house!

Ailurophile said...

Wow that must be very exciting Hendrix - good luck to the Akers family and to your Mom in her projects..

many purrs from all of us here..

Sparky said...

LOVE that show! Darn, I missed it last week though....will keep my eye out for the rerun though!