
Thinking I'll Never Show my Face Again

I've been thinking I should keep this a secret. I've been thinking that you never really know someone no matter how long you live with them. I thought I knew my mommy...and then it happened.

Mommy was working from home and around 11:25 flipped on channel 5 to catch the end of Rachel Ray because she needed a brain break.

She squealed like nothing I'd ever heard before. Something like a 14 year old girl.

She squealed because (sob) these guys were coming on.

I'm named for Jimi Hendrix, my beans have seen the Rolling Stones and Tom Petty multiple times. Mommy has seen Fleetwood Mac, The Eagles, James Taylor in concert and even has Nine Inch Nails on her Ipod. She told me that if these guys (I will NOT say their name)come to Cincinnati that she and her friend are "totally there."

I need some niptinis and a lot of nip to even try and wrap my brain around this. I'm staying under here until mommy goes gets some mental help. This is even worse than her admitting she is a Bengals fan!

You all still respect me right?? Right??


Anonymous said...

Of course we still respect you, Mr. Hendrix! They Who Shall Not Be Named were on a talk show the other day and Mom saw them, too. But our Mom didn't squeal. Just saying.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

At least it wasn't Menudo -


Anonymous said...

There is no accounting for human taste and there is no shame by association for you Hendrix.

Just leave the room when she's does the squealing thing Hendrix. Pretend it isn't happening.

Niko and Cloud said...

Oh my goodness, is that a sertin "boy band" from the late 80's /early 90's?
Mom had her whole room plastered with pictures of them, and she had a yo-yo and sheets and everything. She is furry embarassed about this. But she was only ten then, which is still a kitten in cat years, so we guess we can forgive her!

The Island Cats said...

OMG! Are those the New Kids??? We thinks they are the Old Men!!! Hahahaha!

We still respect you, Hendrix...sometimes you just can't control your bean's taste...

Sunny's Mommy said...

I still respect you, Hendrix. I don't know about your Momny though. She needs some help :-0

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Yes. Now repeat after me: You cannot change the oddness of your humans.
How bizarre and embarrassing your humans are does not mean you are a defective cat.

Remember that.

Parker said...

Oh. My. Cod.
Mr. Hendrix, we respect your Mommy's taste in music. A Lot. EXCEPT for that - I just don't know what to say...

Daisy said...

When are they going to start being called the Old Kids on the Block?

Us4 Cats said...

oh yes, humans tend to find comfort in things of the old days...

you however, are looking fabulous in your photo there.


Anonymous said...

heh Hendrix, the mom finks they is great too ... she even has to tell us dat they grew up about 45 minutes from where we lives. Sheesh!

The Meezers or Billy said...

NKOTB??? mommy says that they're now OLD FOGIES OTB. hee hee. She's a little too old to haf been all squeely about them when they were popular the first time.

Mickey's Musings said...

Yes I will respect you!!!!!! Your Mom........well. That 'group' is NOT the Rolling Stones or Jimi Hendrix by far!! That is quite a difference in taste ;)
That 'band' is what Mom would call "girly men",a phrase coined by a certain Governator ,heehee


Unknown said...

Oh Hendrix, I feel for you, Mum's can be so embarassing.

I hope no one in that band breaks a hip performing or anything.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh Hendrix, it's not like YOU were doing da skweeling...

Tristan Tabby Cat Longtail said...

I don't know who those guys are. So who cares. You should come over and we can go to the playcats club together and have niptinis. I'm sure they've got really good music there.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Is that NKOTB?! Mom saw them years ago and the next day she couldn't hear out of her ears until about lunchtime. She took her two little nieces to see them. What a good auntie she is!

Fat Eric said...

Don't worry Hendrix, we don't know who they are so we're not embarrassed for you at all!

Must be a Mericky thing...they obviously never made it over here!

Kellykat said...

Mr. Hendrix, don't worry nothing about it. My girl is all stupid for them too. In fact she is jamming their new album right now as we blog! She can't afford to go see them in concert (they will be here at the end of the month) but she just had to have the music so she downloaded it the day it was released. I say let her have a little fun, she's pretty good to me.

Anonymous said...

You can not choose your parents Mr Hendrix.. well not all the time.. hehe
I still respect you and therefore respect your Mommas right to like "those...." kind of bands...

I think your Momma would not like my Mommas music.. specially Daddas, he is like the other end of the scale :)


Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We have much respect for you Hendrix.
Our Momma likes to listen to some odd, old stuff, but it is completely different than your Moms.
Great picture, by the way!
~ The Bunch

Tesla and Hansel said...

I still respect yoo :)

Karen said...

NKOTB:) They are from the same city as my mommy DOrchester :)

The Cat Realm said...

Don't worry! We love you for what you are, not for your Mom's taste!
And Jimi Hendrix was one of the greatest musicians ever - so wear your name with pride!
As for this other group.... I know who my maid squealed over and it is WAY more embarrassing than these kids... and if she EVER forgets my Gotcha Day again like she did today I will tell!!!!

Quill and Greyson said...

oh oh oh OOOoh Musical notes implied. You can't help what they like. Mommy liked 98 degrees too.

catsynth said...

We still respect you, Mr. Hendrix. You can come listen to some of our music, if you need something different from "they who shall not be named." :)

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Hendrix, our Momma has seen rock singers and country singers, but never THEM! We feel for you furriend and of course we still respect you! We will teleport over with niptinis for you!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

First the Bengals, now the NKOTB! I am going to pretend this post never happened, We will never speak of this again.

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

It took Kate a little while to recognise the guys in that photo, and then she started squealing too. I don't understand. They're the oldest looking kids I've ever seen.

Motor Home Cats said...

Mom has heard some of their songs, but she was never a "fan." Mom has always had weird taste in music tho. She was into big bands, jazz and oldies when NKOTB were popular. Just remember, you are not responsible for your mom's tastes.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Anonymous said...

Oh, Hendrix...we will always respect you. The dumb things are mommy's do ain't a reflection on us...our mommy does some real stupid things...we just consider the source.

Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang

Simba and Jazzi said...

Humans can be very strange. Have a great weekend.

Simba x

Felix, Garfield & Jawsy said...

Mr. Hendrix, you gots our respect!

My Littel Island said...

seee our bean is to old to know this but put up TOM JONES and them guys from in the daythen u will hear her go wow still hotttttttttt

Anonymous said...

Woaw!!! NKOTB!! They are more handsome than never!

I love Joey forever and ever! Hehe ;-)

Wow! Los NKOTB!! Ellos están más guapos que nunca.

Yo adoro a Joey para siempre! Jeje!

The Crew said...

I guess we must be out of the loop or something. We don't even know who those guys are? But if they make your Mom happy, that means they're important.

PurrPrints said...

Don't worry, you still have my full respect--I can't count the number of things my kitties find utterly embarrassing about me too ;)

My Two Best Friends said...

Meow Meow Mr Hendrix

OF course we still respect you ! We can't help what our humans do! We all have secrets about them, we don't want others to know!
Mama, Carolina and MrSippi

Tink said...

Perhaps I even respect you more, Mr. Hendrix! Although I was more into the English answer to NKOTB, TT (Take That). :)

Thoughts said...

Oh Hendrix of course we respect you. And there is something about that group that makes girls go ga-ga. Several of our bean's friends have said they are going to that concert too! Whackos!

Ivan from WMD said...
