
Thinking Thursday

I'm thinking that mommy puts her jobbie before my blog. I don't like that. She has to finish 2 big projects by early next week that just came up. She promises to post my pictures of beautiful Queen Brandi and the awards I've been given tomorrow or over the weekend.

She says: "Sorry sweetie, my brain just is to tired to help you blog now" when she gets home. I say, what brain. I see no evidence of a brain.

She'd better buy me some good treats with those green papers.



Mr Hendrix
It's just a buzy time of year for a lot of our Momma's wif their jobbies...I'm sure your Momma will make it all up to you.



Parker said...

I just don't know what to make of these Mommy's with their jobs and busys and stuff... Everyone knows we are the most important thing in the universe...right???

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I hate it when my human does that! ERG!

Whimpurr said...

Redfurd here! You sure do haff a wonderfur blog! I sure hope your Mommy gets her act together again soon cause we are brand new to the catblog world and we want to learn more about you! Purrs~

The Island Cats said...

Moms are no fun, sometimes...

Unknown said...

Hello. Wondered if you might like to exchange links with http://littlecatdiaries.blogspot.com

Sunny's Mommy said...

Sometimes Mommys do get busy. If she said she'd help you later, I'm sure she will. Try to be patient, Hendrix.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Um, Mr. Hendrix, are you hoping for something special ... like food, shelter, treats, help bloging? Then, we suggest you tell your mom you're sorry you couldn't see her brain earlier but you can see it now. And it's a pretty pink feminine brain that any human lady would envy. You'll get a lot more of what you want that way.

Purrageous Pirates said...

Our Mommy has been ignoring us a lot lately too! She has a 'view for a new jobbie in a little over two hours so keep your paws crossed for her that she gets it! We hope your Mommy gets a break soon. If not, we can pirate attack whoever is making her work so hard for you and demand her workload be lightened!!

Whimpurr said...

Thank you very much for posting an introduction to our blog! We are very excited about getting involved! ~Purrs~

Anonymous said...

We is sorry yer mom is slacking. The mom used to be that way this time of year when she was manager at some hunting place. Now that she is home all the time, she still slacks. I fink the beans are just lazy when it comes to wantin to help us kittys visit furiends. *sigh* Perhaps yer purr will help her feel better?

Anonymous said...

Lol...I agree with you humans are hopeless :)

Unknown said...

Poor Hendrix - I definately know about the busy Mom syndrome!

Perhaps Bendrix should pay a visit to smarten her up?! Just a thought.

Quasi said...

I guess our parents don't get to nap much at their "jobs."

Anonymous said...

Our Mom leaves 5 days a week and then has to do chores on the weekend, too. How many days does that leave us?

Chancy, Jake, Babe and Ernies Voice said...

Mommy's do get very busy...we just have to wait & wait to blog.

HUGS~ Chancy, Jake, Babe and Ernie's Voice

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Don't know how the Beans expect us to keep up with all our furrends when they won't help us visit.

SophieKitty said...

I've often had the same problem. Sometimes I think my mommie woks too hard; just not on my blog.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Khan woo hide something she's fond of?

Maverikhk hid Lisa The Mean's khar keys in exchange fur some pears!


The Crew said...

Isn't that the way it always is, Hendrix? Excuses, excuses...I'm too tired, I'm too busy, I can't find the camera. Believe me, the help around here is so bad, I've heard all the excuses in the book for not helping us blog!


Quill and Greyson said...

Mommy's can be so irresponsible! Mine is back now with Daddy who is feeling better now.

Ana said...

Humans! They seem to be all like that!

My Two Best Friends said...

Meow Meow Mr Hendrix

We have the same problem at our house! Moms - what to do with them!!

Mama, MrSippi and Carolina