
Sooper Bowl Sunday!

Today is the big game but as a Bengals fan, I can't say I'm looking forward to it. I hope the Cardinals win because they haven't been to a Super Bowl before and are "underdogs". As a former feral, and Bengals fan, I know what it is like to be the undercat and I really hope they pull it out.

Mommy loves the commercials and that is really why she pays any attention. Mommy and I are more excited about Puppy Bowl V starting at 3:00pm. Sponsored by Purina, the puppies are cute and the message is all about finding needy furries forever homes. I really like the Bissell Kitty Halftime Show. Watching those little baby kitties romp and play is fun. The lights and toys they use fascinate me. Then at the end of the halftime show, confetti falls, I love catching confetti.

Go here to vote for the "Shelter Puppies" (ALL puppies participating are recruited from shelters" and the Bissell Kitty Halftime Show as your FAVORITE part of Puppy Bowl. As it shoudl be, the "Shelter Puppies" are a fan favorite, but the kitty halftime show is in third. You can vote more than once - just click refresh.

I am hoping to spend the evening with my girlfriend cat Brandi watching the game / Puppy Bowl V. Either way, it will be a great way to spend the day. My beans will be at my grandbeans for their party.

Onto other news...

Why aren't my minions in the Village anymore????


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


We want The Khardinals too...

Birdies would be much tastier that stillers!


Cory said...

We wouldn't dream of missing the Puppy Bowl and the all important Kitty halftime show!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

We've watched the Puppy Bowl and the Bissell Kitty Halftime Show for the last two years, and we will watch this year too. It is waaaaay better than football.

The Island Cats said...

We wanna put the bitey on those birds! Actually, we don't care who wins...we just watch for the commercials!

We never heard of the Puppy Bowl and the Kitty halftime show...we're gonna hafta tune into that!

catsynth said...

Looks like the village has been decimated.

Enjoy the game :)

Daisy said...

I am looking forward to the commercials, too. My favorites are usually the Clydesdale horses.

Kimo and Sabi said...

WE are 49'ers fans (bt out team sux). We're gonna watch Puppy Bowl!

Parker said...

It's gonna' be a fun night!

Halloween said...

Hi Mr. Hendrix! We see all of that white stuff that has been falling in Ohio and Kentucky. It's probably a good day to stay snuggly with your people - and Brandi!

Purrs, Halloween

Purrageous Pirates said...

Apparently we are having a small impromtu Super Bowl party here at our house. Yay, we think. We're going to root for the Steelers because Mommy was friends with Hines Ward when they were in middle and high school together. Daddy is watching the pregame stuff cause his boss is cooking with the other Top Chefs. Mommy says she's just gonna watch the Puppy Bowl and hope the guys are not too loud tonight!!

Mickey's Musings said...

hey Hendrix,if you .like the underdogs,you need to go visit my sweetie Miss Peach. She has a lovely story about the Arizona QB !!!
As for the minions,I bet your Mom bribed them to do her bidding :o
Purrs Mickey

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh dear! Your minions are leaving?!

Turkey Cats said...

We are watching the Puppy Bowl too, but we have to pounce on the Birdies and root for the Steelers.

Thoughts said...

we are also rooting for the underdogs Hendrix! and we thinks the commercials are the best part. we never knew about the kitty bowl, well have to check it out!

theodore and sasha

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

I would love to have you over for the Puppy Bowl! I love the little kitty halftime show! I was purrfectly happy when the Geek camed. I was so full of stinky goodness I just curled up on my bed and nappied! Yesterday was turky and today was salmon.

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

ps. it is nice here and we have windows open!!!

ZOOLATRY said...

We both got bummer teams again this year...

Maybe next year is the "charm"... for one of us!

[we'll say Go Steelers!]

meemsnyc said...

oh no, no more village!!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Our beans will watch da puppy bowl and dad will prolly laff at da kitty haftime show den dey will watch dat football thing fur da commercials.

Unknown said...

yey i is watch half time show and it was gurreat!! weeee luv puppy bowl!! me hope u is enjoy it as much as weee did!!!

Quill and Greyson said...

We love the puppy bowl too!

Karen Jo said...

I always have to work on Sundays, so I miss the Superbowl and the Puppy Bowl as well. I hope you enjoyed both of them, even if the Steelers did win. I saw your question on the Cat Blogosphere and I think your visitor is probably Little Pink Pig, usually called Piggy. His blog is at http://littlepinkpig.blogspot.com/

Teddy Westlife said...

No more Catzilla!

Huffle Mawson

Simba and Jazzi said...

looks like you had a great weekend.

Simba and Jazzi xx

Nomi said...

Who messed with the minions?

Anonymous said...

Yoo just wait till the blurpy comes along! Yoo will has a minion that will willingly gives yoo nom nom nom's from their own. hehe

Sunny's Mommy said...

We turned it on to see the end. Congrats on your team winning!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

WE were rooting for the birdies too but the other guys won. What a disappointment.

So, you are still helping mom with the tiny people... good job Mr. Hendrix

Piggy and Grover said...

Maybe the minions are hiding?