What better way to ring in 2008 thank with a Gold Star award? Our friend and mentor HRH Yao-lin presented Bendrix with the Extraordinary Gold Star Award.
The Extraordinary Gold Star Award was created by - Storm, The Furry Fighter - and is for Bloggers who have achieved or done something special. The award celebrates beyond what is ordinary or usual.
1) Post the explanation and rules of the award and link back to the blogger who presented you with the award and repeat the reason why you received it.
2) Pass the Award on to two other Bloggers who you fink deserve it and explain why!
So, I present the award to Max. He has made us laugh, taught us many things about how to suffer thru (siblings, the removal of stinky from his diet and moving) with class and more than that, has even got his mommy so trained, she has put together TWO books for us kittes! That takes, well, what we had before our snip snips.
You're certainly Extraordinary Max!! Thanks for helping found this great cat blogger community!
I also present this award to all the furries on the Black Furrball, especially Captain Jack & Dante. Many of you may not know this, but their mommy and my mommy have been pen pals for over 7 years now. They met thru a now defunt magazine called Victorian Decorating and Life (mommy still has all her old copies!) and have been friends ever since. She has followed all the adventures of the furries and their beans for ages and even tho many states separate them, considered their mommy one of her bestest friends.
Since I have an evil alter ego, I can break the rules whenever I want to (um, I mean Bendrix can) so I also want to present this award to my sweet lady cat Brandi. She and her mommy have had a rough couple of years and luckily, are now happy in a safe new home with a great new jobbie. Even tho she and her mommy were hurting and worried, they still sent healing purrs to those who needed it, and mourned our friends who went to the Bridge. They certainly are classy ladies.
I hope to see you all at Dr Tweety's tonight for the big New Year's Eve party. It'll be rockin' if Bendrix has anything to say about it!!