That's right! My Village is back!! All my glorious minions just waiting to so my bidding. Muahahaha

I think this year I'll be spending as much time under my Village as ON it! It makes a great cave...I'll introduce some of my favorite minions to you soon.
The awesome evil alter ego
Hurl Grey tagged Bendrix MY evil alter ego for a meme. So here are six things Bendrix likes to do.
1. Get up on the piano where he is NOT allowed. This has become easier. See number 2.
2. Working with Tole, he has made the beans so sleepless that when he gets up where he does NOT belong, they are to tired to shoo him off. Conversation goes "Bendrix, get down, get down. Please don't make me come over and get you off. Sigh. Fine, just stay there."
3. Digging to China all over the carpets and clawing the couches (the couches he didn't do before Joel)
4. Pushing the stroller toward the door when Joel/Tole goes for a walk. The beans can call it "marking" with his cheeks, but I know he just wants #2 gone.
5. Tripping the beans when they go up and down and up and down and up and down the stairs getting Joel/Tole all night. This is his favorite...
Now for the terrifying part. Joel's Halloween Costume came in the mail. Here is a hint, it has a cape. Unfortunately, so does mine. sob.