It isn't the rise of Cobra beans have to worry about, it is the rise of Bendrix. Much like a sleek panther lies in wait for the perfect moment to pounce on prey, the House Panther's evil alter ego lies in wait for the perfect moment to escape...

After 4 weeks of new baby smells, new routines, tons of visitors in and out, 2 weeks of screaming gassy baby noise (he is now taking gripe water and another OTC medicine to help) 24/7, tired cranky mommy and daddy...Bendrix had had enough. Both of us did. We got sicky and started barfing Thursday.

So, daddy took us to the VET yesterday morning. When mommy asked how we did, daddy said "Well, he took out 4 weeks of frustration on the almost the entire VET staff." You read right. It took 2 towels, daddy, the VET, and 3 VET techs to get me and Bendrix one shot.

Bendrix would
NOT allow us to get our temperature taken. No way. I've taken it up the proverbial po*per for 4 weeks we weren't going to take it yesterday. Then they wanted to give us 2 shots for my tummy, but Bendrix only "allowed" one.
There was hissing, growling, snarling, clawing, biting. There was blood drawn (not on daddy which is good). Daddy and mommy are always torn between being embarrassed, and being proud of our toughness.
We do have to take some tiny pills that are so small they can go in our stinky foods. Cross your paws that things settle down for both my tummy and Joel's!!
Now for the fun stuff! As soon as we get a new firewire cord I'll upload the video, but until then, here are some pictures of me and my fling-ama-string toy.
All you mommies expecting blurpy things NEED to get one. Mommy calls it a life saver cause she can flip it on while otherwise occupied (read: paying attention to #2 instead of me) and I get to play like crazy.
Go to Baby Patches' store and order one NOW!!
PS mommy and daddy really want to see the GI Joe movie! they are going to leave #2 with a grandma and grandpa as soon as he feels better and go get "campy!" has anyone seen it yet?