
Stretchin on Saturday

mmmm nothin like a little yoga stretching after a catnip dip. mmmm


Finally Friday Finally Blogging and Firefox

We are very sad to have finally had a chance to get to blogging and discover that Sweet Praline went to the Rainbow Bridge.

We have always enjoyed visiting her and her mom and she will be missed. Her mommy is a very special and brave person and the posts she has done in tribute to Sweet Praline this week are inspirational. It really reminds us all how much we kitties/woofies/buns/feathers etc are loved by our humans. Her mommy is bringing her her home today to please keep her in your thoughts.

We are also purring and purring and praying for the people and animals effected by the catastrophic weather in the South. Our hearts and thoughts are with them.

We are sorry we have been away so long. The stinky boy woke up pulling an exorcist a couple weeks ago and since then has had a cold and an ear infection. It has been a mess.

I did feel bad for the little monkey while he was puking, but had to chuckle when he lost it all over mommy's face, hair and shoulder. I have to find humor everywhere.

Then, just when I thought that was one of the funniest thing I'd ever seen. Mommy did this (can you see behind me???) for the first time in months. Panting, swearing...ha ha ha

Daddy started a new jobbie and mommy is getting used to hers. She had to do a big project from home last week too while the monkey boy was sick. I've had a decent amount of petting and scritching time, but blogging and Facebook got neglected.

The other big problem is that we updated to IE9 and couldn't "publish post" because of it (causes a "javascript void" problem). Apparently that is a big problem with IE9 and blogger so DO NO UPDATE TO IE9. Mommy finally got it fixed by downloading Firefox. IE9 sucks big time.

Congratulations to all our British friends on your big day today. Enjoy the festivities!


Tent Waaaaaaaaaaaars!

Dudes. Tent wars suck. The stinky boy always wins cause I'm only allowed to whap him closed paw.

He just looks so smug.


Saved on Sunday

Thank Bast. The foods are in the house and in my bin. Whew. That was close.


Starving on Saturday

Oh my Bast. I just saw the bin holding my cat food and I'm totally stressing out. I'm going to starve! I'm going to waste away into nothing. My beautiful and hard earned gut will be empty and soft.

sob. the horror. the horror.



Why do you people want him to go faster? Why?

Hey, stinky boy. Tails aren't for running over either. Remember that.


Good day sunshine! Midnight Mancat Monday

Finally! It feels like Spring and the windows are open. I think the natural light only brings out my stunning House Panther furs and mancatly physique.

I spent my Sunday sniffing out the windows, napping in sunbeams and on the sofa and enjoying the fact that Joel took a THREE HOUR NAP. Nice.