
Tent Waaaaaaaaaaaars!

Dudes. Tent wars suck. The stinky boy always wins cause I'm only allowed to whap him closed paw.

He just looks so smug.


Sparkle said...

That does suck! You should go play with some of his toys and take them over and not let him play with them. Maybe whap 'em under the couch or something. And see how he feels about that.

Mr Puddy said...

I'm totally feel sorry for you MR Hendrix ! Look at him " Happily take over the whole tent and no share ! "
Did he know you owned the house ?
I hope he will realize sometime, Today ! Pretty bad situation here !

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Good thing he's a khute human puppy!


Kea said...

Hmm, we have no experience with little beans and don't think we'd like any of them taking over OUR tents!

-Fuzzy Tales

Ingrid said...

I think my cats will fear the time when our little grandson is able to play with them, now he is only 5 months old !

Ivan from WMD said...

The indignity! My mom laughed but I don't think it's one bit funny. And not only that, but I bet he has a bunch of his OWN toys.

That's it--go play with some of his and see how he likes it!

Ariel said...

I know how you feel my friend.The niece thingy doesn't share either.

The Island Cats said...

Oh man, Hendrix! The things you hafta put up with!!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

THat does suck! Hopefully he does not get stuck in there!

Teddy Westlife said...

He does look smug. Maybe you should chew on something of his.

Amy & the house of cats said...

We are with you - tent wars suck. We think you won't have to worry too much longer about them though, because soon he will be too big for the tent!!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Try lickin in his ear! That will really surprise him...

Just Ducky said...

I think you need to let lose the claws, just once! Plus he isn't a little boy anymore!

Athena said...

Hi! I hear you are an offishul reporter for the cat blogosphere! I would love to join!


Mr Puddy said...

I just stop by to say " Happy Easter " : )


Ariel said...

Just stopping by to wish you a very Happy Easter filled with love and blessings.