
Finally Friday!

Finally Blogrolling.com will be back up and running on March 2. You may have noticed mommy took a break updating my new list because so many links couldn't/wouldn't show up in blogger.com (Max and Skeezy are two that immediately come to mind).

So, we're going to update our list on blogrolling.com because we've always been happy with their services. What is stinky is that unless we pay $20 a year, there will some type of ads that will show up on my blog when using the links. We understand those doods need to make money and we don't want ads popping up so we'll pay the fee. Just bear with us.

Mommy can't shake that d*mn sinus infection (her & Bendrix's words not mine) and work had kept her uber busy. Between working, blowing her nose, eating every 2 hours, peeing every 30 minutes and spoiling me (and spending some time with daddy of course) she has been pretty swamped and tired. We promise to catch up with our friends ASAP!

We miss visiting around. Thank Bast for the cat blogosphere news page keeping us informed!!! It is a public service for sure!

Thank you all for the nice words and tips about the boy blurpy thing. Max, thank you too for the matching Halloween costume suggestion. I kid you not, she said "Oh! They could both be woofies!"

I am going to send you a nice gift in the mail...a nice brown gift...


It's a Boy!

Yup, it is for sure. The little booger certainly wasn't shy about showing it off.

So tacky.

Hey Mom! I wasn't being tacky, I was grooming!

This foot measured at 3.2cm long.

Hey, do you think that mommy will decide to only dress up the blurpy on Halloween? That would be so cool to not have to wear a costume! What is that mommy....Theme costumes for both of us? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


Can't Trust That Day

So after abandoning me most of Friday and all of Saturday, once again mommy abandoned me. This time to her hunting and gathering work place. Stoopid Monday. You just can't trust that day.

Mommy was worried about how I would do without my village. Well, I do miss my minions, but most of my nap time is still spent in my window soaking up the sun into my beautiful House Panther furs. Here I am yesterday in my hidey hole chillaxin.

My swappin buddy Miz Allie Cat is not feeling well. She also turned 18 on Friday Feb 20th! Please stop by and give her some purrrrrrs and birthday wishes!!

We are keeping all our sick friends like Fiona Bun and Sweet Praline in our purrs and prayers.

PS Tomorrow is the big reveal! Boy or Girl? We'll let you know. The appnt is not until noon so as soon as we know you'll know!


Frightened on Friday

Oh sh*t! Now they are coming right in the middle of the day! Gasp!

No wonder I'm having tummy trouble. I also seem to have misplaced my legs and tail. Or maybe they just hid from the Vishus Deer!

To top it all off, Mommy is abandoning me overnight tonight until very late tomorrow (Sat). To scrapbook of all things! AND, she isn't even scrapbooking my pictures, she is scrapbooking a vacation she and daddy took last November when they ABANDONED ME. Totally full circle man. She'll pay.

For fun, swing over to the Swap N Tails blog to see the great package Miz Allie Cat sent me for the Feb swap. If you havne't swapped yet, or have fallen away from it, be sure to join up. It is an easy and inexpensive way to have fun with friends!


Wordy Wednesday

A nod to I can Has Cheezburger

well would you look at that. the paper towels are fighting again.


Midnight Mancat Monday

Ah, today there are sunbeams! Whoo hoo! What is nice about being a House Panther is that our dark furs soak up that sun sooooo well. Mommy sayz I'm like buttah after a nap in the sunbeams.

This is a picture from over the weekend. Mommy opened the window for a little while so I could smell the birdies she was counting. This is the last day for the Great Backyard Bird Count. It only takes 15 minutes to help save our feathered friends.


Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day to all my friends, most especially my sweet ladycat Brandi who is my especial Valentine. We hope you have a wonderful day full of love!


Formery Feral Friday

When I was a skinny, hungry feral cat, I never imagined I'd have a sweet lady cat and a good friend who would care enough about me to give me awards!

My little orange kitten friend Harry gave me this award.

“This blog invests and believes the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”

I can't believe I only can pick 8 friends. In updating my blog I know how many good ones I have! OK, here it goes:

My sweet lady cat Brandi

Miss Peach


The furry gang and Mo at Purchance to Dream

The all the fuzzies over at Missy & KC's and ML!

Diamond Emerald Eyes



My pretty lady cat gave me this award:

"LOVE YA" award winner... These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.

I wish I could pass this to everyone because so many deserve it, but I can only pick 8:

William of Mass Destruction

Fat Eric


Fui & Suey

Boy, Genius Cat


The gang at Forty Paws

All the crew on The Black Furrball

BTW, today is Friday the 13th. We've actually got sunbeams and mommy is working from home so it is one lucky day for me! Actually, we put no stock in this superstition nonsense. My mommy says the luckiest day they had was when they found me because I made mommy and daddy a "family" instead of just "married" and I made our house a home.

If you want some laughs tonight, be sure to watch Psych on USA at 10:00pm. That is one of our three favorite shows!


Wordy Wednesday - Thank you

The sun is peeking out, the windows are cracked and we owe you all a big thank you for your nice thoughts. Daddy is "low risk" for being la*d off. That doesn't mean we're completely out of the woods, it will be another month until we know for sure. But this is very very good news.

The winds are going to be 60-70 miles and hour this afternoon! So, I'll just hang here in the sunbeams when they come and breathe it all in.


Tip Request on Tuesday

OK, this time I'm requesting tips. Mommy decided that she was going to get a "body pillow" now so she could get used to it. We only have a queen sized bed. That means there is daddy, mommy, me and this stoopid pillow.

Something has to give. Any tips on how to get the daddy out of bed are appreciated.

PS Mommy and I got tired of blogrolling.com to get their act together and fix their issues so we are updating our blogroll with blogger. It will probably take a while to get everyone in - I am so glad to have so many friends - so please bear with our messy sidebar until then!


Monday Request

Daddy's company will be doing many layoffs next month. Daddy finds out tomorrow how likely it is he will be laid off.

With a blurpy shrimp thing on the way (mommy's jobbie doesn't offer he#lth insurance) and me needing to stay in catnip and stinky goodness, this would be terrible.

Please purr and pray daddy isn't one of the beans at high risk. purrrrrrrrs

After all, I need to keep up this mancatly physique!


Fagin on Friday

First, it is sweet Fagin's very first birthday! His mommy is one of my mommy's bestest friends and they've known each other more than 10 years. She was so excited twhen they started blogging. And now, we've gotten to watch the newest member of the household grow from being tiny, sick little "LK" to the handsome, capable Quarter Master of the Black Furrball. Everyone go over and wish dear Fagin a Happy First Birthday!!

Sorry we haven't been around much. Mommy has a sinus infection and between that, work, cooking the little shrimp and spoiling me, she has been to "tired" to help me blog. She's been a little whiny too.

Oh, here is a tip, when your mommy sits up in bed first thing in the morning and her nose is gooshing blood (again) it is NOT a good time to sit on her legs and demand breakfast. She doesn't think it is cute. She also thinks it is gross when you lick the bloody tissues. Hey, I'm a carnivore! (don't worry, mommy is OK, she has safe antibiotics to take now and she always gets nosebleeds with sinus infections. she has 2 humidifiers in the bedroom too.)

Finally it will be in the 40's today!! For the first time in a week there are sunbeams! This is where I'll be all day...until I move to the sofa...


Tip of Tail and Toes with Snow Again

It is snowing again! Yuck. The weather beans say that it will be warmer this weekend, but for now, it is cold cold cold and snowy.

As a bonus to a snowy day tho, I got breakfast in bed again!

Here is a picture of the tip of my tail and toes!

I'd better get working on a special Valentine for Ariel's Valentine's Day Contest.


Sooper Bowl Sunday!

Today is the big game but as a Bengals fan, I can't say I'm looking forward to it. I hope the Cardinals win because they haven't been to a Super Bowl before and are "underdogs". As a former feral, and Bengals fan, I know what it is like to be the undercat and I really hope they pull it out.

Mommy loves the commercials and that is really why she pays any attention. Mommy and I are more excited about Puppy Bowl V starting at 3:00pm. Sponsored by Purina, the puppies are cute and the message is all about finding needy furries forever homes. I really like the Bissell Kitty Halftime Show. Watching those little baby kitties romp and play is fun. The lights and toys they use fascinate me. Then at the end of the halftime show, confetti falls, I love catching confetti.

Go here to vote for the "Shelter Puppies" (ALL puppies participating are recruited from shelters" and the Bissell Kitty Halftime Show as your FAVORITE part of Puppy Bowl. As it shoudl be, the "Shelter Puppies" are a fan favorite, but the kitty halftime show is in third. You can vote more than once - just click refresh.

I am hoping to spend the evening with my girlfriend cat Brandi watching the game / Puppy Bowl V. Either way, it will be a great way to spend the day. My beans will be at my grandbeans for their party.

Onto other news...

Why aren't my minions in the Village anymore????