
Fagin on Friday

First, it is sweet Fagin's very first birthday! His mommy is one of my mommy's bestest friends and they've known each other more than 10 years. She was so excited twhen they started blogging. And now, we've gotten to watch the newest member of the household grow from being tiny, sick little "LK" to the handsome, capable Quarter Master of the Black Furrball. Everyone go over and wish dear Fagin a Happy First Birthday!!

Sorry we haven't been around much. Mommy has a sinus infection and between that, work, cooking the little shrimp and spoiling me, she has been to "tired" to help me blog. She's been a little whiny too.

Oh, here is a tip, when your mommy sits up in bed first thing in the morning and her nose is gooshing blood (again) it is NOT a good time to sit on her legs and demand breakfast. She doesn't think it is cute. She also thinks it is gross when you lick the bloody tissues. Hey, I'm a carnivore! (don't worry, mommy is OK, she has safe antibiotics to take now and she always gets nosebleeds with sinus infections. she has 2 humidifiers in the bedroom too.)

Finally it will be in the 40's today!! For the first time in a week there are sunbeams! This is where I'll be all day...until I move to the sofa...


Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We already went over and wished Fagin a Happy Birthday. What a sweetie pie he is! We are so sorry to hear your Mom is still sick. We know all about nose bleeds. Ours gets them from the dryness from the heat being on. We hopes yours gets betters real soon.

Maggie May said...

Enjoy those sunbeams! We hope your mom feels better real soon!
~Maggie May and The Creek Cats~

The Creek Cats said...

Hi Hendrix, thanks for your purrs and kind words. The food the vet prescribed, r/d seemed to make me feel worse, or so it looked in the litter box! Mom has me on a grain free canned food that I tolorate very well at the moment. She is waiting on some Natural Balance Duck and Green Peas that she ordered and has heard great things about. Sure is taking me a while to get all sorted out. The longer it takes the more worried my mom gets. Did it take you long to get sorted out? Did you lose any weight?

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Some khanines would find THOSE kind of tissues khomplete delikhacies!

Happy Purrrrday to Fagin...

We hope your mom and the khytten are doing okay save for the nosey thing!


Sunny's Mommy said...

Sorry your Mommy is sick. I hope she gets better from that soon.

Have a good weekend, and don't be too demanding of your Mommy.

meemsnyc said...

We are sorry to hear that your mommy is not feeling well right now. We hope she feels better soon!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

We have also had troubles visiting due to busy humans. I will rush right over and wish fagin a happy birthday too!

I hope your mom gets over that nasty sinus infection. Those hurt owie!

purrrs to all ofyou

Sweet Purrfections said...

I hope your mom is feeling better really soon. My mom has been hurting in her neck and shoulder, but there's no blood to go with it! Thank goodness!

Parker said...

The weather in O Hi O might be getting better!
We sure hope so!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I hope that your Momma starts feeling better. Fagin's party is DA BOM!!!

The Island Cats said...

Oh Hendrix...you are looking furry handsome today sitting in that sunbeam! We hope your mom feels better real soon!

Unknown said...

I don't blame your Mum for being whiny - My Mum says sinus infections are no fun at all! Stay close to her and give her your kitty healing warmth. I hope she feels better soon.

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Sorry that your mum's not feeling so good. Make sure you give her lots of snuggles, okay? And maybe Bendrix could take a little vacation, or you could sedate him in the sunbeams.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr.Hendrix we will go visit Fagin. Hope your mommy feels better, those sinus infections are the worst.

I have an award for you at my blog.

Sassy Kat said...

Happy Birthday to your friend, Fagin. I haven't been visiting much either as the mom and dad of the house are barking as much as a doggie does with their coughs. Hope you are all fine at your place and feeling better.

Teddy Westlife said...

It's in the 40s here today too Mr Hendrix, but that's 45C. About 115F. It's too hot for a black cat.

Huffle Mawson

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Yikes, we hope yer Mommy stops loosing her nore blood soon!

Chesney Cats said...

We hope your mommy feels better soon. Our mama just got over a sinus infection, she was all whiny too.

Ingrid said...

Keep your mom's feet warm that's easy work for you and leave her nose alone.
We all wish her to get better very soon !

Forever Foster said...

You poor mum! We hope she is feeling much better very soon. We know all about whiney Mums- ours has an inner ear infection, and she wont shut up about it!

Chrissie said...

Yep, mom's who're cookin' shrimps do odd things from time to time. You know what's funny? They don't even know why they do odd things! I do hope her antibiotics kill all those tiny ugly germs and she feels better very soon.

Happy sun-sappin', Hendrix!

Anonymous said...

Oh noooesss dat sucks! We hopes yer mom feels better soon. We know all tooooooooooooooooo well when da mom is cooking da blurpy dat they tend to get real pitiful. Thankfully TT took cares of her then, we just hid, unless she feds us.

Hey can yoo get yer mom to email ours - she gots a question fer her's. ttgrrl AT gmail DOT com.


Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Me again. Thanks for being concerned about the floods in Australia. Fortunately, they're far away from us, up in the north-eastern part of Australia. Kind of where the Forever Foster kitties live (but they're ok, they've just had a LOT of rain).

Actually, there have been some very, very bad bushfires in south-eastern Australia this weekend, mostly in the state of Victoria. We live in Tasmania, a big island to the south of this part of Australia, so we're fine, but more than 20 people are confirmed dead in Victoria and many, many people have lost their homes and all of their belongings. Australia is having some really extreme weather at the moment, but things are just fine where we are, thankfully.

catsynth said...

Hmmm, that is kinda gross. But we're glad your mom is doing better. Happy belated birthday to Fagin.

Quill and Greyson said...

What a cutie Fagin is. Tell your Mom to take it easy.

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

I think you need to blame Bendryx for licking the tissue. We hope your mom feels better soon.

Unknown said...

Happy b-day Fagin!! I am sorry your mom not feels gudz on your b-day...it is sads...hope she feels better soon!

Simba and Jazzi said...

Hope your Mummy feels better soon. Happy birthday to Fagin.

Simba and Jazzi xx

Anonymous said...

Yes Hendrix, we are carnivores, but bloody tissues...eeeeeeeeks. ;-)

We hope your mom is feeling better very soon, and uh...a tip: soft snoozing and purring on her legs works much better on the long term -- she will be better sooner!

Headbutts and (((hugs)))
Karl & Ruis

christy said...

Our Mom thinks it's a little gross about the bloody tissues too. Who are these beans to say what we can eat? Look at some of the stuff THEY eat! Some of it is GREEN and LEAFY and that is not always very yum either.
Really though, I like to eat shoes and photos.


Anonymous said...

Hendrix I hope your Mom is feeling better soon. Sometimes our Mom gets those nasty sinus infections too!

We can't believe Fagin is already a year old! We will visit and wish him a happy birthday.