So tacky.
Hey Mom! I wasn't being tacky, I was grooming!

This foot measured at 3.2cm long.

Hey, do you think that mommy will decide to only dress up the blurpy on Halloween? That would be so cool to not have to wear a costume! What is that mommy....Theme costumes for both of us? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
So it's a boy. How exciting. Your mom must be even happier than you are since she's excited about the blurpy and you're excited about not having to dress up Halloween.
Wow, your mommy IS going to be outnumbered! Do you want me to send her Gracie to help even things out some? Because I'M outnumbered by girls!
Do you get to name him, Hendrix?
I see theme khostumes fur woo!
Khongrats on the tom khytten BUT now woooooo really will learn what I keep telling Gus and Louie: GIRRRRRLS rokhk!
So happy for you! A BOY!! You'll have twice the fun in your mancave, now!
Concats - not on the theme costumes.
Concats! I think the idea of his and his coordinating costumes has tremendous possibilities!
Ooh, a little human tom kitten!
Doood! Look at that foot! That is SO COOL! Are you excited you're getting a sticky brother? I'm willing to bet you're gonna get dressed for Halloween no matter what. Probably matching costumes. And if your Mom didn't think of that before, aren't you glad I put it in her head? :)
Congratulations on the boy!!!
Concatulations on the boy blurp. He looks strong with that big foot.
Oh wow, congratulations!! A boy, how exciting! We love the foot photo! So adorable.
Congratulations on your baby blurpy boy. We are sure your beans are excited. We love the little foot picture.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
You're gonna' have a brother! How cool is that!!??!!
We're so happy for you and your beans!
A boy!! Your Mommy is going to be as outnumbered as our Mommy is (she is the only female in the house). We are so glad that the little alien looks so healthy!! Mommy says to say she will be working on a reply letter this week and weekend. OH, we are so excited!!!!
Congratulations! How wonderful!:) The photo of the foot is AMAZING! If we knew how to make that bold and six inches high, we would have!
How very exciting!!!!
Our wee lad turns six today and the PM was telling him the story of when he was born this morning so those pics of your wee one got her all weepy!
So so sweet and special!
Purrs Goldie
Congrats to your family, Mr. Hendrix!!!
Hey congrats on the blurpy brother that is on the way! Another one for the mancave!
A boy! YAY!! Oh Hendrix, those are pawesome pictures!! Have your parents thought of any names yet?
I am going this weekend to meet my baby cousin (he will be 2 and a half weeks old) so I will see if I can learn any tips for you about being around babies.
Love Clover xo
Concatulations Hendrix and Mommy and Daddy! A blue Blurpy will be tons of fun!
Congratulations to your family!
And yes, it looks like it's going to a bigger "man cave" now :)
Time to go to a zone defense!
Congrats!!! Mr. Hendrix...I'm afraid that you and the baby may have matching costumes if you aren't careful!
Oh my! (blush)
Congratz to you & your family, Hendrix. We just know you'll be a fine role model for your young brother.
Congratulations! That's wonderful news :-D
PS: I agree with you, Hendrix. You were not being tacky!
You know, Pablo is a really great name for a boy...
Hendrix, it's definitely going to be a man's world in your house.
WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A blurpy Mancat bean!!!
I am outnumbered by girls!!!!!
You still get dressed fir Halloween???? Your Mom better give you a pawsome village with LOTS of minions!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
Hahahah...our dad was out numbered by gerls (he still is) cuz der was mom, two bean gerls and two gerlcats! Hey, we just thawt of something, dat blurpy boy can be yoor minion!
Ohh Guys we could not be any more happier for you!!!!
Woah.. I knowz I should see it but I do not see the boy bits.. maybez they is tucked away like mine? Either way... congrats congrats congrats!!!!
OoooOOO is you gonna be allowed to help name??? :))
We love the pictures of your new brother Hendrix! How exciting!
What a divine little footie ? I sense matching costooms buddy. Congrats to all. Great noos.
That is exciting news for you and your mom and dad.
I guess the toilet seat will always be up in your house soon.
CONGRATULATIONS! You are going to be a great big brother to the blurpy thing Hendrix. We agree with Williiam, your mom is going to be outnumbered big time!
Theodore and sasha
We didn´t know that you were pregnant! Congratulations!!!
Congrats on the boy. When is your mommy due? Our mommy is due in a month. She also cannot sleep well and is ready to be done with it. We aren't so sure.
-Patches and Nemo
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