
Wordy Wednesday - Thank you

The sun is peeking out, the windows are cracked and we owe you all a big thank you for your nice thoughts. Daddy is "low risk" for being la*d off. That doesn't mean we're completely out of the woods, it will be another month until we know for sure. But this is very very good news.

The winds are going to be 60-70 miles and hour this afternoon! So, I'll just hang here in the sunbeams when they come and breathe it all in.


catsynth said...

60-70 mph winds? That's approaching hurricane level (which I think begins at 75 mph)! Definitely stay inside.

Glad your dad isn't laid off, and that you have a bit of respite. It's looking to be a tough time all around right now.

Niko and Cloud said...

We are happy to hear the good news. Stay out of the wind!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Pawsitively awesome news about your Daddy! Whew!

Don't get too close to those windows when those winds start a howlin!

The Island Cats said...

Hi Hendrix! That's good news about your dad. We hope he continues to be "safe."

It's suppose to be real windy here too! Gotta batton down the hatches!

The Creek Cats said...

Oh thank goodness!! We are glad to hear the good news. We will continue to purr for him though!

Stay safe in that wind!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

That is good news! Concatulations xx

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

NOW, bakhk to your projekht of rolling him out of bed!

PeeEssWoo: If woo blow by, I'll try and snag woo!

Thoughts said...

Wow, we have the same thing going on in Cleveland too today Hendrix, windy as heck but its 60 degrees out there! Perfect weather for mancatting around outside if I do say so myself...


Thoughts said...

PS. Hendrix, how come we got taken off your blogroll?

Theodore and Sasha


Gemini and Ichiro said...

That is good news! Enjoy the sun while you can. I don't like it when it gets that windy...

Clover said...

Hi Hendrix! I am glad to hear your good news, and will keep thinking good thoughts for your Daddy!!
Love Clover xo

Unknown said...

How the heck did mine Mum and I miss that your beans are having a blurpy thing!? I have told my Mum this is totally unacceptable - missing major news like this - she better get her act together or I might have to put an ad. in the paper for a new "helper".

I am glad that your Dad is on the low-risk list, phew.

Tuck said...

That wind sounds crazy! Hey, you asked abut my age -- I'm 5 and a half months old, or at least that's anyone's best guess!

Sunny's Mommy said...

That is good news about your Daddy's job. I'll cross everything I have for your family. I know that uncertain feeling all too well.

Anonymous said...

We is glad yer dad is safe!

We gotted our fresh air seats opened today too! It was 60f out and the mom said yes. YAY!!

Ivan from WMD said...

Gosh, I hope you don't get blown away!

We're so glad to hear the news about your daddy. I mean, I bet you couldn't even nap with a worry like that! Time to catch up!

Cory said...

Good news about your dad! Stay safe indoors or you could end up in Oz!

Unknown said...

looks like such a gud napping spot you have there!! I hope sun will not get too hot!

caspersmom said...

Oh Mr. Hendrix I'm so glad that your Dad hasn't been laid off. Purrs and Prayers that it stays that way. Whoa I thought we were having bad wind, yours sounds a lot worse. Don't think ours was blowing that fast. We are finally getting rain and we are so thankful for that. We are in a drought situation and they were talking about rationing water. At least that won't mess with my Temptation intake.


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah that is very big winds!!!
Stay in home!

Forever Foster said...

We're glad your Dad is on the low risk list. We'll keep purring for good news to come your way.

Those winds sound very extreme! Keep a rope handy, in case you need to hold on!

Max said...

Holy carpoli! 60-70mph wind? That's worse that a Taco Bell f...well, it's just bad. Hang on, just in case the wind gets inside.

Quill and Greyson said...


Ingrid said...

What a nice place ! sometimes I regret that I am only a cat butler and not a cat !

Teddy Westlife said...

I'd be staying inside away from that wind too!

Huffle Mawson

Teddy Westlife said...

Purr S: I am still purring for your dad.

Parker said...

We have those terrible winds too! I am glad that you Daddy is still working!
ps - Thanks for the positive thoughts for my Mommy

Thoughts said...

Hi Hendrix.

We left you something over at our blog today, go check it out!

Theodore and Sasha

Christine and FAZ said...

Hope things are all okay with you guys. FAZ

Rosemary B❤️ said...

It is really windy here too!
The noise is freaking Pierro out meowhaha This is pretty good news for your dad. I really hope he hangs onto his job.
You look relaxed and that is a good thing for everycat!

purrrs friend

Anonymous said...

Hi! Thanks for checking in on us. We're not blogging any more and need to update the blog as such. But I am doing ok - although my humans are concerned that i'm about 92 in human years, whatever that means. I still feel and look pretty good!

So glad to hear your daddy's at a low risk for being laid off. Will keep my paws crossed that it stays that way

purrs, Bambi

christy said...

we're furry glad to hear the good news-and purring that it stays good!

xo-P & T