Hi! I wuv Saturdays and Sundays. That means mommy and daddy are home wif me all day. And, I can get into stuff when mommy is cleaning...
Me: Mommy, what is in the box
Mommy: Nevermind about the box Hendrix, you can't see that yet.
Me: Are they presents for my purfday in the box mommy?
Mommy: Yes Hendrix, some of your birthday presents are in the box, but it isn't your birthday until Friday, Nov. 3rd.
Me: But moooooooooooooooooooooooooommy, I've had such hurty ear drum sets and I've been sooooooooo extra special good "letting" you clean them and give me my medicine.
Mommy: That's true baby, you have been through a lot lately.
Me: And remember that one time at the V-E-T when I gots an A++ from the nice lady vet because I was soooooooooooooo good. Can't I puhleeeeeeeeeese haf one fing early????
Mommy: Yes, you were awfully good. OK, I'll let you have one thing early.
Me: Whoppie!!!! Can I pick what it is?

Mommy: No sweetie, then you won't have any surprises for next week, lets see...it's been so chilly out, how about you get....

Me: oooo isn't that one of those soft mats that had a core that uses my body heat to warm the bed??
Mommy: Yup, no cords or wires to worry about. And, it is pretty and soft just like you.
Me: I can't wait to sit on it and watch the birdies. Oh, looks at all them birdies....feavers efurywhere....