We're all sending good healing thoughts to dear Mu Shue as he starts his Radio treatment today. We're also sending comforting thoughts to Mama Laura because it is hard on the mommies and daddies when we're away. We love you Mu Shue, get well soon!
We're also sending good healing thoughts to Earl Gray, Bear and all the other kitties and woofies who are feeling bad.
I had a nice weekend with my daddy. He got home safely Friday night. He spent a lot of time with me giving good daddy pets. Another good thing was although I didn't find the ends of any rainbows, I did find the ends of lotsa sunbeams.

You look like you are really enjoying that sun beam Hendrix! :)
Healing purrs are going out to all those in need, especially Mu Shue, Earl Grey, and Lux' sister Ninna.
We're glad you had such a great weekend "Bendrix". And we're glad your daddy spent lots of quality time with you!!!
Yup, Davy was a HUGE cat. All muscle.
Thanks for letting us know that Mu Shue started radio cat today!
Luf, Us
Hendrix, good to hear about your great weekend. And we're working with you to round up a giant purr fest for the sick kitties!
& everybody at Artsy Catsy
I think the ends of the sunbeams are almost as good as the end of the rainbow!
That is a great picture for Man Cat Monday Mr. Hendrix! It looks like thta sun felt really good!
Sun Beam=Good
A massage and a sunbeam! Yoo are one lucky man cat.
Sunbeams are the best! I'm glad your daddy gave you lots of attention--no doubt he missed you too!
You look furry handsome in your sunbeam!
Ohhh... your black furs look so shiny in the sun! That's a pretty good Mancat Monday shot, too.
Mr. Hendrix
Dat is a furry nice pixchur of you in the sunbeams. Aren't sunbeams wunderfull??
We is purring furry hard furrs our friend Mu Shue, and his Mommie and Daddy.
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