Visitors! Since mommy feeds the birds, she often sprinkles some seeds & peanuts on the deck so my furry tailed buddies come up to chat with me. Mommy knows that keeping me occupied during the day when she goes hunting and gathering keeps me happy. It also helps them sleep at night because I won't be sleeping ALL day, just most of it.....

This is me watching my friends this morning, can you see where one is???

There he is!
Here is my little buddy posing. We tried to get him to show his tummy to stick with the theme, but he was being shy....

Thinking pink on mommy's Mac today for Lilly Lu.
I can see why you like sitting there, Hendrix! Very cool visitors. :) I bet they are lots of fun to watch! :)
wow, you get lots and lots of bisitors!!
You are lucky to have such nice visitors! They look like a lot of fun!
That looks exactly like my deck! And those squirrel things are always tormenting me from the railings. Of course we don't have pretty flowers so you're lucky.
You have a great view! I love when we have visitors, too. Aren't they fun and funny to watch?
Ooo, skwerrels are fun.
Squirrels are fun! We like to run back and forth from the door by the kitchen to the front window. We have squirrels in the back and birdies in the front.
oooh a grey squirrel!!!! We only have red ones here and I see it in our garden sometimes! I just think of it as prey not food though, and I chirrup away whenever I see it! Lovely friends to have though, bet they taste nice!xx
i like thoze viziterz mr. h ...
skwirrelz ar lottsa fun to watch. sumtimez i see dem reel close up! why ... i can almost catch 'em!
luv--yer frend--jh
Those visitors look like fun! How did George get all the way to your house?
very exciting. I bet this keeps you busy.
I love those crazy critters almost as much as the birdies
I like to watch squirrels too. Thanks for linking to my blog!
We have buddies that visit too! It's the best TV in the world! 9 days till Mommy comes home for a visit from your O Hi O!
You're so lucky to have those friends. It's very nice of your mom to leave treats out for them, too, so they can visit close!
Wow! Lots to see and great visitors. What a wonderful place to be.
What a handsome visitor! And he is clearly happee to pose fur you. I wish I had visitors efurryday too.
Oh Mr. Hendrix
IF only you could get outside.
WOWWY! Squirrels! We would love to see some of those!
Our Dad does the same thing for us. He throws seed and stuff near the slliding glass doors and the visitors keep us entertained all day!
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