After a long night of boomies and lightening and completely freaking out, the storms are gone and the sun is shining. Now that my beans have been up all night (I blame the thunder, not my running around in circles on the bed and bouncing from tummy to tummy for comfort), they have to go hunt and gather (aka work) and I'm going to hang out in some sunbeams and dream of my sweet, pretty, Brandi.

Yes, it was the thunder boomers and flashy lites that kept them awake, we're sher of that....and if not, well, that's just to bad!
I'm sorry about the thunderstorm, I HATE them. They scare me so much.
The storm sounds scary! I'm glad they are over now. I hope your humans get some quality sleep tonight.
Oh dear, it sounds like you had a rough night and it's too bad that the thunder boomers and flashy lites kept your beans up : )
I don't like storms either, I usually hide under the covers next to my Mum.
Nice sun spot!
Hendrix, I think Friday the 13th is an extra LUCKY day for black cats like you.
hehe we had our own thunder here last night but it was nothing to do with the weather! More like herd of thundering elephants!! Handsome pic though! x
No rain here and no thunders... we could use rain. we do not like the scary stuff though!
Fabbie picture here! looking snazzy!
Happy week-end
What a furry handsome pikshure of you! We don't like it when it booms outside either, but we go under the bed.
We're scared of them storms too. I guess that's why tunnels and chair bottoms were invented.
You sure look like you are enjoying that sunbeam. Good thing you don't live here in Florida. We get thunder & lightning all summer.
Oh Mr.Hendrix, how lovely you look!
Happy weekend, Hendrix!
Yup, it must have been the thunder and lightning keeping your beans awake all night. I'm glad that the sun came out today and you could find a nice sunbeam to rest in.
This is a cool picture of you! I love your paws, they look like big mancat paws! And a nice posture. Have a wonderful weekend!
We also had a (little) thunderstorm and little Rosie who heard it for the first time, made eyes like pancakes !
Hendrix, that is a very handsome photo of you!!
Dude, could you look any manlier in that picture! Brandi's gonna go wild!
Yep, not a big fan of the loud either. We've had lots of rain but no real thunder or lighting. It was sunny today and so I slept while the beans went swimming. I told them that I really didn't real like going.
OH! There is a commercial here in NW Arkansas and the lady who stars in it looks JUST like your Mommy!
So handsome loungin' there in that sunbeam ... Meeeoowww.
Oh Hendrix you look so cool in that picture!
I nominate you for the Schmoozer Award. Please come by my blog and pick up your banner!
I'm so sorry you had to have that storm. I hate those big noises too!
Now that is a book coverrr pose if I everrr saw one. It almost looks as though the orrrange glow behind you could be a crrrackling firrre. Mr. Hendrix, you make the ultimate Halloween Cat. Don't know why I'm thinking of that in July--must be yourrr picturrre. I do love storrrms and the smells of fall...but we don't have huge storrrms herrre. Just little light flashes and some rrrain.
Yourrr Furrrend,
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