The top of the bar is a nice place to investigate.

This is me sitting in front of the box of chips. I hate when the lid is open so I usually rub it until it shuts. I was to bummed to close it yesterday.

Usually daddy rolls pool balls around for me to chase. Mommy tried to get me to play chase yesterday but I didn't want to play with her. I wanted to play with daddy.

Here is the big screen my daddy saved all his allowance for years to get. This is where we sit and watch sports and talk man talk. If you see the red arrow, it is pointing to the container where my basement treats are.

I was very happy to see daddy come home last night. I told him we have lotsa manly time to make up!
I'd like to thank Zippy, Speedy & Sadie for the wonderful party. Bendrix & I had fun walking on the ceiling and eating delish food and hanging out with friends. Thanks to their beans too for setting it up!
Wow!!! The Awesome Man would like to move in with your Daddy. He really wants to make our basement like that but the Woman says no because the ceiling isn't high enough and its wet down there sometimes. He does have his own ginonrmous TV room though.
Wow, that basement looks amazing! Your dad is very handy - the bar looks incredible. It sounds like you have lots of fun hanging out with your dad.
That is a very nice man room that your daddy and you have.
Sorry you hadda be wifout yoor daddy all day! I miss the way daddy throws my spongeball, mom just doesn't do it right...Thanks fur coming to our party, yoo (and Bendrix) made it fun!
Whoa! That is a very cool mancat space! It is a man cave! And I love the bar too. Your dad is very talented to make the beautiful bar by himself.
My Daddie has a special table just for playing poker. It's made of cherry and you flip the top part over and the felt is underneath! I am Not Allowed up there though. And I am Not Allowed to play with the chips. Darn it!
That is an awesome, manly space! Our Dad is very jealous.
Earl Grey
Wow our dad would love to haff that stuff in our basement, specially that big TV. And they keep treats down there for you!
All the man-cats here (3), Daddy and Mommy all loves Mr H's basement. They don't have too many basements in this part of Texas. Nice big screen for movies with birdies in them (tweet tweet), or maybe football.
*fart* tee hee
Great pics you have lots of space to run around in!
You have a very nice place to hang out with your daddy! He did a fantastic job crafting that wonderful play area for manly men!
happy Day Hendrix
You and yer Dad have a great Manly space to hang out in! Do you get to drink at the bar?
Wowy WOWY wowy WOW! That a furry nice manly hang out! Our Daddykitty would luv a place like that! Do y ou gots a big 'ol supreem cat tower in there somewhere? You should!
P.S. - whay does yer dad play wif crap? That is not furry manly.
Wow! That's a great manly basement you have there Bendrix! No wonder you like to hang out with your daddy down there.
Luf, Us
A MANLY ROOM fur MANLY MEN. Yoo got it made!
Now that's a manly mancat place to be! I bet you and your dad have a great time there! And your very own treats in the basement! That's thinking ahead!
Wow! What a great relaxation room you have. Very manly, indeed!
We have one in our basement but it's not as cool as yours. We guys (me, Max & Dad) hide out there when it's "dog visit" time.
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