Sorry I haven't been around much the last few days. Mommy gave notice at one of her jobbies and spent a couple days just laying around moaning and petting me. She'll be very happy at her other jobbie full time. She works at a nice bow-teek store that sells bird feeders, birdbaths and pretty stuff for inside. She does their marketing and also works with customers. She really likes it. She'll get to work 1 or 2 days from home! Yippiee!
She gave 3 weeks notice at her other jobbie so it'll be crazy busy for a while especially since her new jobbie is so busy. We've been keeping up with friends, but haven't been able to leave comments usually. You're all in our thoughts and we miss you!
Not everything is bad stressy, we're also having a big thing this weekend at our house so there is a lot of cleaning going on. I love getting to snoopervise when stuff comes out of the closets.
I know lotsa friends have tagged me for MeMes and I promise to get to them soon.
Your friend, Hendrix
It sounds like your mom really likes her job at the boutique store. :) Sorry to hear it will be really busy for her until her 3 weeks are over.
You are very flexible Hendrix!
hey Mr.H, sorry to hear that your mom is busy also,my moms decided to paint the house and made the dads help on her only day off,and yeap I got green paint on me heehee,kepp on snoopen you might find some goodies to play with,
till next time
your friend
We hope dat when da stress is over yoor mom is furry happy! Da beans being happy is key to us being happy you know. Dad always sez if mom ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.
that's great that your mommy likes her jobbie!
you look furry manly!
That is all good news but we hope your Mom lets you blog more soon!!!
Great yoga posture, we can see that you really worked at becoming a good yoga student!
I hope that you start getting the attention you deserve...
It certainly sounds hectic! But it does sound nice that she likes her new full time job so much.
ooooo...quitting jobs is one of our favorite things to do! (even before Kathy Griffin had a bit about it on her show last week.) Congrats are always in order! There's been a lot of laying around and moaning at our house too. Must've been the full moon.
Your Mosaic Cats Friends
I like your yoga pose!
Your mom's full time job sounds like it's just the thing.
Sounds like it will be calmer in the long run. That = more time for you!
Stretch 1, 2, 3. Stretch 1, 2, 3. I think I got it.
Doing some yoga helps you when things are hectic and stressful. Bendrix probably does not do any yoga though.
Goodness! There's too much activity at your house and for your mom!! Kinda like our house right now. Maybe we should all just teleport over to somebody's house where it isn't so busy and we can use the pooters full time!
Luf, Us
Your mom sells fev-ver stuff? Ooh - what a cool job! There's nuffin inneresting ta us where our Lady werks.
I fink if I tried that pose I'd fall over. It's gonna make Brandi blush, I bet! ;)
You are very flexible. Hopefully things calm down for your mom soon. Hope you get lots of cuddle time in the next couple of weeks.
Thanks for the kind wishes, Hendrix. Your yoga is furry impressive.
Dear Hendrix,
I am so glad yoga helped you. Best wishes to your mom. My pet human is sorta in the same boat....and so is Slycat's mom.
We'll do kitty prayers for them.
Skittles, The Huntress
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