
Stampin and Votin on Saturday

Hi! My mommy sayz she is going to order stamps from stamps.com with MY picture on it. The problem is, she can't decide which one to chose. The second place photo will go on address labels from colorfulimages.com

I hope you all can help us chose. Mommy will close the voting next Sunday, September 23rd. PS Can you tell which one is Bendrix...

Picture #1

Picture #2

Picture #3

Picture #4


The Wanderer said...

Withouts a doubts, we thinks #1 photo is the bested!!
Fanks for visitings our site, and we knows about not always beings able to leave comments...we has that problems sometimes too.
You mentioned a Max the Psychokitty. We is not sure we has his webbie address. We might be purrrsueded to visit hims, if we knews where he was.

Anonymous said...

I can't decide between #1 and #2 (Hee hee, I said #2). Hmmmmm, I think it's #1.

Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

#1 is bestest we fink!!
how cool having a stamp wif your very own pikshur on it!
purrrs, Kashim & Othello

HRH Yao-Lin said...

for the stamps I think number 1 is best however, they are all very very cute. i think bendrix is either number 3 or number 4. In actual fact, he is present in all of your photos really but sometimes u are better at pretending you are an angel! ha ha

Also, I have sent in my submissions to psychokitty for the book. Just waiting to hear now! xx

Anonymous said...

I think #3 is the best.

Daisy said...

Those are all great photos! I think my favorite is Bendrix in photo #3. If Bendrix was on a stamp, he could protect your mail, too

Gledwood said...

You like your bowties don't you Mr Hendrix: you remind me of a late BBC political interviewer (v famous) called Robin Day; he always wore a bow tie!
Lovely blog!
I'm a blogger too (surprise!)
You're welcome to drop by if you like you can read all about my roborovski hamsters (yum yummm!)
See ya there maybe...
All the best

"vol 2" ...

Gledwood said...

... oh I'm meant to choose one?
#1 then definitely!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

I like picture #2 Hendrix. :) How cool that you are going to be on stamps and address labels!

Anonymous said...

I think Bendrix is number 3. However I like all the photos so I can't decide which to choose!

Mickey's Musings said...

I like #3.Good strong color,clear eyes.Like the expression( no doubt Bendrix). Shows catitude!!

2nd choice #2

Dorothy said...

I like Photo Number 1!
Definitely, Number 1.


Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

I think I like #2 the best. I like the natural light on your beautful fur!!!! They're all great though! A stamp, wow, that's cool!

Oh, I emailed your Mommy. We made our hotel reservations in Blue Ash. I hope that's not way far from you.

Gretchen said...

It's me, Gretchen this time. My bean got mixed up and signed in her name. So I guess you got two votes out of one.

I like #1.

Hugs...G (the real G)

MaoMao said...

They are all purreshus photos, Mr. Hendrix, but my furry fav'rit is photo #1. And I think that #3 is Bendrix! hehehe

That's such a kool idea, puttin' yur pickshure onna stampie!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Hmmm...we likes #2. It's furry simple, and we can sess yer face good. Plus their a fewer other distractions in da photo.

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

Dear Sugar Pie,
I love Picture @2. May I have it to put on my bloggie sometime? Like, to show off my hansome beau? It is simple and charming and **sigh**.

But I bets all the boycats like your football one.

your sweet lady cat,

The Furry Kids said...

They're all good. We like 1 and 3 the best. Oh, we'll go with 3. We think #2 (hee hee) might be Bendrix - he's the only one not wearing an outfit.

The M's said...

We like #1 too.
Thank you for coming to my party and of course you can stay overnight at our house. I would enjoy the company...Munchkin

Jimmy Joe said...

I think #1 is the stamp-worthy pic, buddy. That's gotta be Bendrix in #3, right? He's lookin' tough. Wouldn't want to meet him on the 20 yard line.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Peach Man said...

I vote for #1 for the stamp. Very presidential and presidents get on stamps I think. I like number 3 as the runner up. Halloween is the best and you gotta give Bendrix his fair share. I can't wait for Halloween to show you my costumes, dude.

Tara said...

How neat to get you own stamp! Maybe I can convince Mom to do the same for me! I like #1 best. I think Bendrix is either 2 or 3.

Samantha & Mom said...

We like #1 and Bendrix is #3! They are all great pictures though!! Have a nice Sunday!
Your FL furiends,

Number 1 Man Dog said...

#3 is the one,,show them your team sprit at the same time,GO BENGALS

Forty Paws said...

We like #1 the best!!! And we think Bendrix is #3.

Luf, Us

muffinmidi said...

We like #2

Anonymous said...

What a tough choice but we'll go with #1 mostly because we love how your tie matches your eyes.
It's fun to see all the wonderful photos of your humans, too! So young and attractive. So unlike ours. HA!

Parker said...

#2 - you look marrrrrvolous!

snowforest said...

I think #2 since it shows the glow of your fur the best :) #3 is Bendrix I think! I think you are pretty tough and may well take on a tiger cub!

Ivan from WMD said...

I like the natural look of #2!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Thanks for visiting Sunny's new site.

I like picture #2 the best.