Adan at Adan's Everyday started this great MeMe to send lots of love through the air for our dear Miss Peach and her Mommy and Daddy.
Hello my little angel. I'm so very glad you came into our lives. I had no idea how empty our house really was without my woofies before you came into it. You really made me and your daddy feel like a family and not just a "married couple" and our place a "home" and not just a "house." Thank you for that.
Thank you for snuggling with me at night, you know I need it. I promise to never make you feel bad for not snuggling during the day. Thank you for all the purrs you give us all day and all night long. You have such a loud purr motor!
I'm off to play with the "mouse on a shoestring" toy with my little "kitty McPherson
squishyface head Hendrix". He'll let me hug on him when we go to bed, and I'll hug him close as long as he'll let me.
Hey, everyone, this time, I decide to start this cherish meme, here are some ways (depends on which person you write), and bring our love to Miss Peach~! She always makes us know what love is!
1. tell us what is the most sweetest warm thing you will do to your mommy (what is the sweetest thing that your kitty will do to you)
2. And, hug your mommy, tightly... (and, hug your kitty....tightly...)
3. Tag your good friend...
4. Leave your computer, and continuing hug each other...
I will tag all of my friends and their beans cause I don't think there can be enough love to go around.
Mr. Hendrix, how are you?? I was actually at Sassy's pawty after sneaking out from my doggie friends' barkday/halloween pawrty.
This is a bootiful post and my pawrents almost cry.
Momo xoxo
pee ess: I am so happy that we're connected in cyber world. :)
It is so nice of you to write that in honour of Miss Peach and on behalf of all of us to our parents. SS is stressed out lately and I provide the Zen therapy backup. Just noticed that Momo-dog has posted too. Hope you are not too confused with one Momo after another. Good thing we have our pictures to identify us.
Mieows and purrs,
We are all leakin tears about Miss Peach. It is hard. Writin about her heals much.
Skeeter and LC
That is really really sweet and beautiful post~!!! This sweet is so power could let us realize the source we continue moving on~!
I am very happy to know you and this joyable love will make my mood very great today!
Have a wonderful day Mr. Hendrix, thanks for visiting my blog and doing the meme, I feel so honored.
Hendrix that is a lovely message from your human about how they love you. I wonder..what would the message to Bendrix be? ' I promise I won't get cross and I'll still love you when you smash things ha ha'.
Poor Miss peach xx
What you wrote sounds like us too. That is so nice.
We made our house become a home for our humans too.
Hi there, I saw your Halloween photos and again you remind me of myself. Why do our owners torture us with such sillyness? Can't they see how unhappy those outfits make us feel?
Playing with mouse on a shoestring sounds even better than blogging. Hope you and your Mom had a great time.
your bud Pepi
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