Here I am showing her all the cool features of the Hotel/Saloon.
What has been fun the last few days is the cooler weather. Monday October 8th was 90 degrees, the rest of the week has been in the 60's. Yippie! That means open windows.
Bendrix loves the cooler weather. How do I know this? There are only 3 places in the house we aren't allowed up on. The kitchen table (the dining room table is OK), the kitchen counters and the top of the player piano....

This is when mommy yelled "NO! Not the hatbox!"

Even Bendrix knows when to get out of Dodge.
That looked like a dicey exit! Good for Bendrix that nothing went with him!!!
We hope to see yer Halloween village soon,K?
*That Bendrix - what will he do next???
Oh no, it looks like Bendrix was up where he shouldn't be. He made a quick exit there!
A happy belated birthday to your mom. I hope she prints lots of piuctures of the Halloween village. It sounds cool.
Bendrix was lucky to escape from the piano with everything intact.
My mommy will be e-mailing your mommy soon.
That looks like such a nice place to sit. All those lovely things to scatter around. We're you a good cat to get down...
I'm glad your Human had a wonderful birthday!
But you look so good up there.
Bendrix nearly did the damage there - your comment about the jail and Bendrix was so funny :)
purrs from the SnowForest clan...
Bendrix almost got into some big trouble!
Bendrix is livin' on the edge, there, isn't he? It got really cool here on Thursday and I gots the Fall Crazies too!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
we often wonder why the 'beans bother naming out-of-bounds places when they know that makes it all the more tempting to us. ~The Fluffy Tribe
We could use someone like you Bendrix on the Black Furrball! Kitties who can make a quick and neat exit are always needed on hand when we take on the cat food barges!
It was nice of you to help your mommy with her birthday presents! My mommy's birthday is on the 14th and I still have to get her a present...You've got some really great places to jump up on, Hendrix.
Hi, sweetie, I gived you an award. You deserve it, my sweet, just cause you are...
Well, it looks like your mom did have a good birthday! And it looks like Bendrix was lucky in his quick get-away!
Happy Purrfday to your Mom!
hehehe Brndrix you make me laugh so much! That is precisely why I have awarded you a little something - pick it up on my blog!
i can't wate to see yer mom'z halloween village!
i wuz even sayin: watch owt bendrix wen i saw him neer da glass itemz.
ps--happee birfday to yer mom
I can attest that it is very wise to know when to get out of Dodge! I was born about 70 miles from Dodge City, KS! I got out just in time! Great O Hi O weather, eh?
Wow, look at all the fun stuff to knock over!
Hi Mr Hendrix,
It's very sweet Mini and Dr. Tweety
are finding romance.Judging from my list there are alot of single kitty's
and I hope if they want they can find love.
Oh my, Bendrix just missed getting caught! We've never seen a Halloween Village. Are you going to show us what it looks like when your Mom gets it up? Hi Mr. Hendrix! ::waving paws::
Your FL furiends,
We can't wait to see the whole display. I know Billiam would love to get very very close and then get on top of the piano, too.
we wauffed about thats alot. Good exit strategy!!
~All of us~
I am glad your Mom had such a nice birthday. I hope we get to see the Halloween Village when it is all set up. Bendrix made a good exit, just in time, too.
Thank you for your kind words and prayers. I really appreciate it. I am truly thankful for all the good friends I have met online. We are still hoping that my brother and sister-in-law can come home on Tuesday.
We are lovin the coolth! Not only does The Big Thing leave the deck door open most all day, but we like it better outside too.
An its easier to find the mousies when they have to run aroun in the dry leaves.
Skeeter and LC
Wowee. Maw would never have that much stuff out on display with all our paws to get into trouble with. Nuh uh.
You're very graceful.
Luf, Us
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