Well, OK, I'll be honest. It doesn't relly fit. Mommy got the biggest of this style they had and, well, I hope Brandi still thinks I'm handsome when I admit that it wouldn't fit around my Mancat frame. The collar part is just fine, but the tummy part not so much.
So long as I was just hanging out, I was fine, but when mommy tried to get me posing for Christmas cards it got complicated. The overhead lights were hot and the flashy box was blinding. I hope Daisy can give me some tips!!

Chillin out.

Looking the wrong way.

I'll be right back mommy! I'm checking for Santa!

I like this one. I'm ready for anything!
Don't forget to send me your snail mail address! I'd love to exchange cards.
1hendrix AT fuse DOT net all squished together.
Your Christmas outfit looks wonderful, Hendrix! :) That last photo looks terrific. :)
Yoo look really handsome in yoor Krissmouse outfit! To bad it din't fit all da way around, it's prolly made fur dem really tiny woofies. But we can see how it may be really comfy, like covering up wif a nice blankie!
You look very handsome in your Santa costume. And you are a very good sport for wearing it for so long.Oh, our Mommy says you've had our snail mail addy for forever so we do not need to email it. We hope she's right cause we'd love a card!! ;)
Hendrix - you look great in your Santa suit! I think it looks like it fits just fine. Don't you worry about that tummy strap.
Love Clover xo
Hendrix,some women think a large size is very manly. Therefore you are obviously a very manly cat in your Christmas coat.
I love your Christmas outfit! You look very handsome.
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
I'm sending you my snail mail address.
oh wow you look brilliant!! honestly just staggeringly gorgeous! he he x
oh wow you look brilliant!! honestly just staggeringly gorgeous! he he x
oh so cute! You look FAB Mr. H.
ML got me a cute little collar at Pet Smart yesterday.
I can't wear it till Xmas, but she couldn't wait and had to try it on me real quickly this morning.
I look ADORABLE, of course.
(and of course I am the only Mosaic Cat to wear a festive collar. The others lack my fashion gifts.)
Mr Hendrix
YOU look like a hottie in your chrissmousey suit. OOO boy I know Brandi is going to love it.
Abby and Boo
Mr. Hendrix, you done good modeling! And red is a good color for you. I am very impressed that you kept your outfit on for so long. I usually change right out of my outfit after the photo shoot. Here are my two biggest secrets:
1. Take lots and lots and lots of shots. There will usually be at least a few good ones in there. We delete many dozens of bad shots.
2. Many Temptations! I will do anything for Temptations.
You are one festive and handsome mancat, Hendrix!
Hendrix, I think you did great at modeling. That is a very dashing holiday outfit.
Oh Hendrix, I'm so proud of your modelling! You look very handsome in your santa suit.
Did you get Temptations as payment?
U wook vewy cyoot in ur santy paws owtfyt! (mommie finawy splaind da chrissymas ting to me) Maybeee ur mommie culd use sum matchink yarns to help wit da bewwy stwap. Den no wun notyce it dunnot fits ryt. Hopes u gots yummi tweets fur ur ferst modling jobbie!
Nice holiday photos, you cannot have every picture be perfect or your mom would want to take photos of ya all the time, just let her only get a few at a time.
You must be Santa Paws........
thats it i getting a lock and key that the same outfit i wore to meet the big snata him self!!!!!
Lilly I love cloths Lu
You is a brave dude dressing up like Santa Claus. I think you look very handsome and the red suits you.
Oh, you look really handsome in your Christmas outfit. If you hadn't told everyone, we wouldn't have known you had problems with it. (Someone switched sizes in the store.)
Jan's Funny Farm
Wow! You look gorgeous!
Very, very, very handsome Mr. Hendrix!
ps - come and visit me!
Oh, I have to do cards too!
Poor Hendrix! That was a much too hard modeling assignment! But you do look so debonair!
Luf, Us
You look very nice in yer outfit, and it is nice of ya to agree to wear it AND allow pictures! We're jus not used to that and wont do it (but seein all the kitties in costumes makes us think oughtta try it again!
Hey, Mr H, you look great in that outfit! Verrrrry handsome and festive indeeeeeed. I hear male models are in great demand.....
Yes, modelling is a terribly difficult job and boring sometimes and the photographers are such primadonnas, acting like it's your fault when they make a bad picture 'cause you moved. And I don't even model in clothes most of the time! Though that outfit IS red (my favouritest!).
I like the last picture bestest! It's like my favourite Viking Costume Pose!
Oooo, Mr Hendrix, how do I get an evil twin? I really really really need one! Especially now that it's getting close to Christmas and Jack says I have to be good or Santa Claws won't give me any nip toys! Please, can you help me?
PS. I have been taking over most of the Midnight Snuggle Burgling duties around here. It's not quite the same, I like going on top of mommy, not under the covers like Grumpybutt did, but it seems to make her happy. Jack does it sometimes too. Though he mostly sits on her head! Mommy's ok. She gets all leaky sometimes when she looks at Grumpybutt's pictures though. But most of the day she's ok, 'cause he spent all days hiding in daddy's office.
Thats the coatie mommie wanted to buys for mes, but dads said nos....
I love the outfit, my Sugar Pie! Thank you for modeling! I knew you would be very hansome! You always are!
I'm really dreaming of Chrissymouse now!!
love, your sweet lady cat,
Wow, that is a classy outfit, Mr. H! Way to dress to impress at the holiday party.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
I think it looks very good on you. Since it didn't fit around your big mancatly frame (and that's your Mommy's fault, not yours!) just say you're wearing it as a cape :-)
Those are all very nice photos of you in your cape :-D I wish our cats were so tolerant to wear something for hours on end during a photoshoot. You're a very good cat to do that!
Lookin' great man!!! That's the nice thing about being black!!:)
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