I spent the weekend snuggling on the sofa with my mommy. She would post those pictures but she forgot the camera cord for the computer at home! Silly mommy. I'll post those tomorrow. She'll also post the pictures of Chance meeting his mommy for the first time and tell you about the nice people at the Washington Area Humane Society who were so great about letting us use their facility.
Until then, I think I'll do a little grooming and nap until mommy and daddy get home from hunting and gathering.

Although this picture was taken last week, today's grooming session will look very similar...
It is brr brr cold here and will only get colder this week. We hope all our friends are safe and sound from all the snows that fell this weekend.
A weekend snuggling on the couch with your Mommy sounds lovely!! We are glad that Chance is now at is forever home too!
tanks soo vewy much for lettin me borrows ur mommie until I foundz my own mommie to luv. I dunno whut I wulda dun withowt u as a fwiend! Tell ur mommie der is lots of new pictures of me in my new homez on my bloggie. I soo happy in my new furrever home I just purrz and purrz and purrz all day long! Hope ur lyke da Temptations my mommie sent. She sez she didnt know whut kinds u lyked so she sent lots! Hehehehehe.
Your Friend,
Very important to get between all of the toes.
Chance is very cute. I added his blog to my reader to I can keep up to date with him.
It sounds like you had a nice weekend snuggling with your mom. :) I'm so glad Chance has a wonderful Forever Home. :) He's already visited me and I returned the visit!
Dear Mr. Hendrix,
I am sure I don't have to tell you this, but your folks rock! What they did for Chance is so kind. I am so happy that he has a forever home.
Please give them a smooch when they come hiome tonight for me, OK?
That snuggling sounds good. I am so glad that Chance has found a furever home.!
Weekend couch snugglings are the GREATEST! I am glad you got your mommy back. I visited Chance this morning and he seems to be one happy kitty!
It is furry importint to get between da toes. This morning when Sadie was washing her face mom started singing "dis is da way we wash our face, wash our face..." Sadie din't like it so she moved to her private space.
We are so happy about Chance and glad he is safe and content in his new home.
Life is grate.
Holy back claws!
Just a quick hello, we've been too too busy with daughterbeans wedding plans to visit & comment on blogs; but felt we should stop by to say "hi" to an old (but gold) friend!
So furry glad to know that Chance is all settled in his new furry home. You look furry cute in the grooming session. Did you check out our new bloggie. Come visit:
Hey Hendrix! That was a great thing you did, helping Chance Bond find a furrever home and introducin' him to our cat blog community! You're a great guy and I'm glad to know ya!
That wuz grate of yoo to look after Chance until he went to his furrever home. Sounds like he is going to be furry happy there.
ooh - we see claws! we love claws!
we're so happy about Chance & we can't wait to see the pictures!
I yam so glad dat Chance gots a new & fabulous home. He waz furry lucky to be wit you tempo-rare-ly. Now you iz back to bein' da coolest Man-cat of da housee pantherz.
-Dr Tweety
Serious back claws there, Mr. Hendrix! Good grooming techique, though.
I look forward to seeing the pictures. BTW you have nice long claws, and I can tell you do a good job grooming yourself. You make sure to get right in between all the toesies!
Awesome back claws there, my man. Yeah, we're curlin' up on the couch these days, trying to stay warm.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
It's good that Chance now has his own home. Cause now you get yours back!! You also get Mom & Dad back!!! Woohoo!!
Chance looks like he is settling in OK. I'm happy for him.
Might as well groom ,eat & sleep because,well,that's what we do! Hahaha!! Purrs
Stay warm!
Glad things are getting back to normal for you.
Now everyone is happy - you've got your Mommy back and Chance has his forever home- yay!
Sweetie, my dreams are always filled with you. *sigh* And my brave reporter's mommy is sooo nice she deserves snuggling! Blessings on her for all the work she did with little Chance.
gvSweetie, my dreams are always filled with you. *sigh* And my brave reporter's mommy is sooo nice she deserves snuggling! Blessings on her for all the work she did with little Chance.
Chance was so lucky to have you get him off to a good start!
That is some mighty fine grooming there.
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